I second the idea of using Loomio as a decision making tool.

On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 2:29 AM Jenny Ryan <jenny@peoplesopen.net> wrote:
I really like this definition and believe it would resonate with Sudo Mesh's understanding of what CNs are - I can bring it up at our next meeting.. however -
Perhaps this is the kind of decision-based discussion that would best take place on a Loomio instance? If you're seeking a majority/consensus of CNsig representatives...
How is decision-making structured in this group, by the way? Is there a formal governance model?

Jenny Ryan
People's Open Network
Building a community-owned and -operated wireless network in Oakland, California!

On Sun, Aug 12, 2018 at 2:16 PM Nicolás Echániz <nicoechaniz@altermundi.net> wrote:
On 08/09/2018 06:05 AM, Roger Baig Viñas wrote:
> 2) CNs definition: I would love to have one to because I think the
> term is being overused and might be even more in the future. But given
> the previous attempts and the diversity of approaches I'm afraid we
> won't be able to reach a common understanding.

Maybe we can all agree on some initial parameters, taking the DC3
declaration and some other input documents.

> I dare say I particularly have a rather clear idea on the criteria for
> classifying initiatives the categories of "clearly yes", "maybe
> yes/maybe not" and "definitely not". But this is for my particular use
> and I would dare not impose these criteria to anybody.

Do you have this criteria written down somewhere?
I believe this can be an interesting point to discuss.

In the CNSIG case, I think we actually want to define our "limits", so
we can be inclusive without loosing focus. There are many groups that
work with "local access", which is a much broader concept.

> Main question: given the previous attempts, is worth to retake the
> discussion to come up with a definition?

I believe it actually needs to be done, even though I agree that it can
be a pain ...


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