Sunday would work for me best. Maybe it would also be convenient for others who work during the day.

Maybe we should aim for the second week of September, though, that is 13/9, to allow us to reach out to as many CNs as possible.

What do you think?


P.S.: Adam, did we create some document to organize the event, from last time we met? If yes, could you please share the link?

On Tue, Aug 25, 2020, 2:21 AM Jesica <> wrote:

Disculpen, no hemos definido una fecha para el encuentro de redes
comunitarias. Hasta el momento sólo definimos que fuera la primera
semana de Septiembre.
A mí me viene bien viernes (12 - 18UTC) o domingo (cualquier hora), pero
me puedo adaptar a otros días/horarios.
Mientras antes haya una definición, antes nosotros podremos  invitar a
redes y organizaciones fuera de este grupo/CNSIG.


Sorry, we have not set a date for the community networks meeting. So far
we only define it to be the first week of September.
Friday (12 - 18UTC) or Sunday (any time) is good for me, but I can adapt
to other days / times.
The sooner there is a definition, the sooner we can invite networks and
organizations outside of this group / CNSIG.

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