Hi everyone, this is a brief reply to check if my mails are allowed by the mailing list.

Thanks for inviting me to collaborate.


El 12 ene. 2018 5:37 p. m., "Nicolás Echániz" <nicoechaniz@altermundi.net> escribió:
(I added Rodrigo in CC for this thread, so he can help prepare and
organize the meeting. Please keep him in CC for this thread. His address
has an auto-accept filter in the list now so he can reply.

On 01/11/2018 09:24 PM, panayotis antoniadis wrote:
> What I proposed in a previous e-mail to Nico was to set-up a pad where
> we can all add some important topics for discussion before the kick-off
> meeting.

Let's use this one:

On 01/06/2018 05:25 PM, Nicolás Echániz wrote:
> On 01/04/2018 05:45 PM, Sol Luca de Tena wrote:
>> The purpose of a Kick off is really to get everyone on the same
>> page and formally start work in the SIG. The main points to be
>> covered are as follows:
>> 1. To briefly introduce ourselves. 2. To exchange our ideas of
>> what the purpose of the CNSIG is, and how we plan to go about it.
>> It will be a good idea to set out some core deliverables - or
>> roadmap - of what we want to accomplish in the following year. The
>> bylaws and the discussion on the etherpad
>> https://pad.codigosur.org/CNSIG offer the basic framework of the
>> group´s purpose and basic parametres, and should be our guide in
>> the activies we plan. 3. To go a bit deeper into what each Working
>> Group will focus on and how they interact with each other. 4. Set
>> up the modus operandi of the SIG in general. 5. To kick start the
>> activity of the SIG.
>> *PLATFORM:* Mumble has been suggested as a good platform to
>> use.https://www.mumble.com/
> For Linux users: you can install the Mumble client through your
> package manager. For Win and Mac, you can download the installer
> from: https://www.mumble.com/ And for Android you can install
> Plumble from Play Store:
> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.morlunk.mumbleclient.free
>> *AGENDA*: If you have any specific agenda items, beyond the points
>>  mentioned above, please send them to this group before the
>> meeting.
> This might be part of "set up the modus operandi", but I'd like to
> specifically discuss what will be our procedure for day to day
> decision making in order to be operative but respectful of the
> group's views.
> Cheers! NicoEchániz