Dear all,
We hope this email finds you well, despite the pandemic situation.
This is a much overdue follow-up to our IGF session (video here We were pleased to see the initiative of the Glossary praised by several IGF stakeholders, and colleagues beyond the IGF, many of which offered to provide comments.
We have finally managed to upload the Glossary in an easy-to-comment format. It took a long time due COVID-related delays at the IGF Secretariat, combined with some technical issue that made the upload a very turbulent process.
The Glossary is now available in the official IGF platform (here where everyone can add comments alongside the text, section per section. The format is less user-friendly than Google Docs, but it gives a certain level of formality to the process and allows everyone to comment without requiring to use Google services (which not everyone might be inclined to).
The entire Glossary is also available in pdf format (here . It is also listed as one of the official outputs of the IGF, in the Dynamic Coalitions' section (here
The document will be open for comments and further work on definitions until 31 January 2021. We extended to 31 January as we lost almost a month trying to update the Document, and the previously agreed deadline (31 December) was becoming too tight. After the 31st of January, it will be edited, streamlined and sent to a publisher- we are still searching for the ideal format, if you have suggestions please let us know!
Lastly, please feel free to share the documents through your networks. The more comments and feedback we receive, the stronger will be the final product.
Best wishes, also for the upcoming holiday season!
Luca and Nicolo
Luca Belli, PhD Professor of Internet Governance and Regulation
Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - CEP: 22250-900 |