Dear all,
We are delighted to announce that the call for input for the third phase of the IGF Connecting and Enabling the Next Billion(s) project is now open.
The objective is to collect concrete stories showcasing how connecting the next billion(s) helps achieve broader Sustainable Development Goals such as Education (SDG4), Women empowerment (SDG5) and Infrastructure development (SDG9). This activity builds on phase 1 and 2 of the Connecting and Enabling the Next Billions(s) which offered a set of high-level recommendations for policy leaders. With the combination of three phases of the CNB project, policymakers will be able to use both policy recommendations and concrete findings (case studies) from the IGF community.
The call for input is open until
16 July and is available here:
Please don’t hesitate to disseminate the call throughout your network.
Thank you,
Constance Bommelaer
Internet Society