Ham/Amateur Radio  Exam  Preparation 

Broadband Hamnet

Online Course 

Course Playlist 


Glenn McKnight
NARALO Secretariat
skype  gmcknight
twitter gmcknight
289-830 6259

On Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 9:01 AM, Jane Coffin <coffin@isoc.org> wrote:

Hi Glenn –


Yes.  I have worked in the past with ARRL and know some of that team well.  Ham very important.

I actually have all the books to study for the test 😉  I may ping you for advice as I start to read through things.


Do you mind putting the info out to the DC-3 list?


I know that Rhizomatica is keen to have this type of training.




Internet Society | www.internetsociety.org

Skype:  janercoffin

Mobile/WhatsApp:  +

From: Glenn McKnight <mcknight.glenn@gmail.com>
Date: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 at 8:40 AM
To: Jane Coffin <coffin@isoc.org>
Subject: Community Networking Training



I have mentioned the utalization of local Ham Radio clubs before.  We launched an online course on exam preparation for the  Amatuer Radio and we recorded all the  training sessions last year


I am working with our local club to connect a small  Mesh network this spring, connected to the  NorthShore Tower north of Oshawa.

Attached  article by former  IEEE Canada chair 


Glenn McKnight

NARALO Secretariat
skype  gmcknight
twitter gmcknight

289-830 6259