Dear people, as some of you probably know, the Brazilian Congress is discussing a crucial bill of law on fake news. A version of the bill has been approved by the Senate (where the proposal originated) and is now under discussion in the Chamber of Deputies. Below is a precise review of the situation, by Flavio Wagner, chair of the Brazilian chapter of Internet Society.
Flavio refers to the statement on the bill of law published by the Brazilian chapter, which can be read here in Portuguese and English:
fraternal regards
This is a brief report on the recent developments in the Brazilian Congress regarding the Bill on Fake News.
Despite strong opposition from civil society organizations and tech companies, which asked for a postponing of the voting so that a more informed discussion could take place, the Bill has been voted and approved by the Senate on June 30. Voting result was 45 in favor, 32 against the Bill (1 abstention + the President), from a total of 89 senators.
The Bill now goes to the House of Representatives, where it can be amended or even rejected. If amended, it must come back to the Senate for another round of discussion and voting. Forecast is that it might take up to 3 months for the matter to return to the Senate. But recent press coverage indicates that things might be expedited in the House in a response to Bolsonaro's announced willingness to veto some parts of the project that might affect "freedom of expression". If finally approved by the Senate, it must be sanctioned by the President, who can interpose his veto to specific parts of the text. So we still have many opportunities to fight for a much better version of the Bill.
Some important highlights on the version that has been approved, both positive and negative ones:
We thank the support from other Chapters to the statements we published. They were collected here and also resonated on Twitter.