The second annual ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS 2019) invites submissions for the conference to be hosted at Accra, Ghana, July 3 – 5, 2019. COMPASS began as ACM DEV, which was held annually between 2010 and 2016.
The COMPASS conference, now in its second year, aims to advance the state-of-the-art in developing sustainable technologies for regions around the world. Researchers at the conference have broad technical expertise, spanning artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, networking, systems, speech and language processing, computer security, data mining, and computer vision. They seek to apply this expertise to diverse problems in sustainable development, spanning health, accessibility, education, agriculture, financial services, and governance.
The second annual ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS 2019) invites submissions for the conference. The program from last year showcases the types of topics typically relevant to the conference. COMPASS broadly includes papers from four general “areas”: Systems, HCI, Data Science/AI, and Deployment Experiences.
Systems: The Systems area focuses on computational innovations. Relevant topics may include networking; data collection toolkits;
HCI: The HCI area focuses on socio-technical systems. Relevant topics may include gender equity; social forces influencing wireless network access; the landlord/tenant information economy;
Data Science/AI: The Data Science/AI area focuses on analysis, collection of large scale data sets as well as models and algorithms for developing and studying AI based systems. AI applications not deployed are also considered in this area.
Deployment Experiences: The Deployment Experiences area focuses on reporting experiences with field deployments or results from long-term studies that can provide valuable insights into how our tools perform (or fail) in real-world applications.
COMPASS 2019 will have two tracks. To help facilitate global representativeness, COMPASS provides mentoring to support potential authors who need guidance in creating these papers.
The Papers track will represent archival journal-type submissions, with a length of between 4 to 10 pages plus references. Papers submitted to this track should represent polished, significant contributions. Authors are encouraged to submit a paper of length proportional to its contribution.
In addition, COMPASS 2019 will have a Posters track for preliminary projects or late-breaking results. Posters will not be archival and are intended to allow presenters to share their latest results or get early feedback on projects. Poster submissions will be limited to 2 pages plus references. There are two poster submission deadlines (March 15 and May 15) to allow for earlier travel planning as well as late-breaking work.
Feb 1, 2019: Requests for mentorship due
March 15, 2019: Submission of Papers and Posters (first round) due
April 1, 2019: Notification of Posters (first round) acceptances
May 1, 2019: Notification of decisions for Papers
May 15, 2019: Submission of Posters (second round) due
May 30, 2019: Notification of Posters (second round) acceptances
June 15, 2019: Camera-ready of Papers due
All submission are due 11:59 pm UTC.
Richard Anderson, University of Washington
Jennifer Mankoff, University of Washington
Carla Gomes, Cornell University
Jay Chen, NYU Abu Dhabi
Ayorkor Korsah, Angela Ansah, and Nathan Amanquah, Asheshi University
CSG Steering Committee
Richard Anderson, University of Washington
Nicola Dell, Cornell Tech
Melissa Densmore, University of Cape Town
Carla Gomes, Cornell University
Jennifer Mankoff, University of Washington
Aaditeshwar Seth, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Lakshmi Subramanian, New York University
Miland Tambe, University of Southern California
Bill Thies, Microsoft Research New England
Ellen Zegura, Georgia Tech
Program Committee