---------- Forwarded message --------- From: IEEE HAC & SIGHT<hac-office@ieee.org> Date: Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 12:50 PM Subject: First funding opportunities of 2019! To: <mcknight.glenn@gmail.com>
IEEE HAC Projects, Events, SIGHT Projects, Conference Participation Support
We are pleased to share that the IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC) has announced its first funding opportunities of 2019. HAC is soliciting proposals to support Sustainable Development and Humanitarian Technology initiatives through 31 January 2019. Each proposal should align with the IEEE Board-endorsed vision of volunteers carrying out and/or supporting impactful humanitarian activities at the local level.
HAC provides multiple opportunities for IEEE individuals and organizational units (OUs) to apply for and receive funding for projects, events, and conference participation support.Links to the individual notices have been included below in order to provide more information and the requisites for each category.
There are many opportunities to receive support, but don't wait for long to apply! All deadlines are before the end of January.
IEEE HAC is currently receiving proposals for Sustainable Development and Humanitarian Activities related projects.
The committee will review proposals with budgets between US$20,000 and US$60,000. Proposals must demonstrate consultation with and a clear understanding of the needs of target communities, as well as a needs-driven approach to strengthening local capacity through technology deployment.
HAC is currently receiving proposals for Sustainable Development and Humanitarian Activities related events.
Please note: HAC will not sponsor entire conferences - rather, it will support elements of events, such as tracks, workshops, sessions, and so on, that are aligned with the HAC vision. Proposals can be submitted for up to US$15,000.
The Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT)program is a network of IEEE volunteers around the globe that partner with underserved communities and local organizations to leverage technology for sustainable development.
The SIGHT Steering Committee is currently soliciting proposals for SIGHT group project funding. The committee will review proposals and grant awards between US$1,000 and US$19,999. Proposals must demonstrate consultation with and a clear understanding of the needs of target communities, and demonstrate a needs-driven approach to strengthening local capacity through technology deployment.
The IEEE HAC Conference Participation Program will provide a limited number of partial scholarships to support participation at 2019 conferences with a sustainable development and humanitarian technology focus or component. The objective is to facilitate more extensive networking, sharing of experiences and partnership building, and reduce potential economic barriers to participation by IEEE volunteers active in the sustainable development space. Generally, awards are 50% of travel expenses with a maximum contribution of US$750.