Very Interesting
Thanks a lot !
Luca Belli, PhD Professor of Internet Governance and Regulation
Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - CEP: 22250-900 |
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Em nome de Marco Zennaro
Enviada em: terça-feira, 6 de novembro de 2018 10:21
Assunto: [DC3] Fwd: [Wireless friday seminars] Invitation to Wireless@kth Friday Seminar - 5G spectrum from a Regulators perspective, technical and regulatory challenges, Jan Boström, PTS
This webinar could be of interest for people working on 5G policy and regulation.
Marco Zennaro, PhD // Research Officer // T/ICT4D Lab // ICTP //
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Date: Nov 5, 2018, 11:23 PM +0100
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Subject: [Wireless friday seminars] Invitation to Wireless@kth Friday Seminar - 5G spectrum from a Regulators perspective, technical and regulatory challenges, Jan Boström, PTS
Welcome to Wireless@kth Friday Seminar!
Due to received interest, pls register your intention to participate HERE
Title: 5G spectrum from a Regulators perspective, technical and regulatory challenges
Date and time: November 09, 2018 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Place: EIT Digital Open Area, Floor 3, Elevator C, Electrum Kista
Speaker: Jan Boström, Expert Adviser, Spectrum Dept, PTS
5G is a hot topic for the moment and discussion around access to spectrum for 5G deployments often lead to heated discussions.
Jan Boström is an Expert Adviser at the spectrum department of the Swedish post and telecom regulator PTS. In this seminar, he will give an overviews update about the regulatory situation for introducing 5G in Sweden focusing on a technical perspective.
Outline of the Seminar:
- The current situation in Europe when it comes to harmonisation of spectrum bands suitable for 5G
- The spectrum situation in Sweden
- New regulatory problems/challenges that comes from technology choices made in the 5G-standardisation process
- Possibilities for future spectrum expansion beyond the 5G pioneer bands
Note that this is a technical seminar, questions related to spectrum caps and significant market power will not be covered, so leave your layers at home.
Coffee and cake will be served
Link to webcast:
Welcome! /Claes Beckman and Mats Nilson
Vinnova Industry Excellence Center
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