Hi people....about google, like in other debate about internet.org, we need to strengthen how this initiative empower the citzen protecting their rights and make those networks like commons and not only a way to make big data bussiness model. And even that this infrastructure is managed by governments,how the debate about multistakeholder governance of the digital cities and public policies about access are been made.
Hi all,
A further issue we should start discussing is the planning of the DC3 session.
As DC3 has continuously produced outputs, we have a session slot by default but we should send a draft session proposal by 29 June.
As discussed at Rightscon, the DC3 session could have a threefold structure featuring the following parts:
1. presentation of (at least some of) the initiatives featured in the 2018 DC3 Report (that should be the “CN Manual” mentioned in my previous email)
2. discussion with people in their early phase of CN development to understand the challenges they are facing
3. discussion with potential partners
FYI, the 90 minutes time slot has been reestablished (thanks to all those who commented during the IGF stocktaking consultation requesting restauration of the 90 min slot!!).
The session should be as much as possible, multistakeholder, gender balanced and geographically diverse.
I propose to have up to 3 speakers in part 1; 2 for part 2; and 2 (or maybe 3) in part 3.
The speakers for part 1 will be chosen amongst the contributors of the CN Manual. If anyone is already sure to submit a contribution for the CN manual, please send a message (on-list or a PM) so that I can include your name in the DRAFT session description.
As regards part 2, Nico Pace offered to help liaise with people currently developing CNs and facing challenges. Nico can you suggest some names?
As regards part 3, I was thinking that IFLA could be good (I am CCing Donna) and perhaps one Intergovernmental org that is dealing with CNs e.g. CITEL or African Union.
Lastly, after having read what Google India is doing, providing Free WiFi at Indian train stations, I have started wondering if it could also be a potential partner to be included in the discussion https://qz.com/1300522/googles-free-wifi-at-railway-stations-is-a-way-of-life-for-8-million-indians/
What do you think?
Luca Belli, PhD luca.belli@fgv.br |