Thanks Luca, if is possible put my name in civil society
Marcelo Saldanha, Redes Livres - Brasil
I want to propose 3 new topics in the pad
l) Create and propose bills and regulations to democratize the access to information through CNs and other kind of community communications like radio, TV and mobile technologies;
m) Create work groups to build models to integrate related policies with CNs like telecenters, points of culture, radcoms, tvcoms etc
n) Design a basic model (project) of digital city integrated with CNs as a part of it.
I have a few links and files here but almost of them are in Portuguese, because all the debates were here.
Before sharing I will describe the topics.
· Public Call to create digitals cities – A debate to include CN as a part of the policy
· Integrate CNs in public policies already consolidated – include infrastructure, services and capacitation of CNs in public policies of digital inclusion, community communication and digital culture
· Debate of new regulation through Telecom Agency to democratize and reduce bureaucracy of telecom regulations to create CNs and initiatives alike
· Debate of a new legal framework to ordain digital policies with the focus of sustainability and multistakeholder governance. (Public Funds and Deliberative Councils with Liquid Democracy methodologies)
These are the topics but below them we have more subtopics that make more solid the debate.
It’s true that these debates are linked to a brazilian scenario, but, let’s try to design a big picture and adjust for more scenarios if this group agree
Marcelo Saldanha
Movimento de Espectro Livre / Movimento de Redes Livres
Cel/Telgram/Whatsapp: 22-98842.0482
Skype : marcelo_secante
No campo das ideias, o limite é sonhar o impossível e no campo das realizações, basta perseverar.
De: [] Em nome de Luca Belli
Enviada em: terça-feira, 3 de maio de 2016 16:40
Para: Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity
Assunto: [DC3] DC3-member list
Hi all,
More than a dozen individuals joined the mailing list over the past week.
First of all, welcome to newcomers!!! Feel free to request DC3 membership (open to everyone). If you prefer to simply be mailing-list subscribers, you are free do to so.
FYI here are the DC3 Rules of procedure
Below, you will find the current list of DC3 members.
Send me a private message or reply to this message if you want to be listed as a DC3 member.
Technical Community
Bob Frankston, IEEE Consumer Electronics Society
Frédéric Donck, ISOC
Jane Coffin, ISOC
Civil Society
Nicolás Echániz, Altermundi
Ritu Srivastava, Digital Empowerment Foundation
Kevin Bankston, New America Foundation
Raoul Plommer, Electronic Frontier Finland
Leandro Navarro, UPC, and
Mike Jensen, Association for Progressive Communications (APC)
Parminder Jeet Singh, IT4Change
Janara Sousa, Universidade de Brasília
Catherine Middleton, Ryerson University
Diego Vicentin, UNICAMP
Nathalia Foditsch, American University
Luca Belli, Center for Technology & Society, Fundação Getulio Vargas
Jamila Venturini, Center for Technology & Society, Fundação Getulio Vargas
Henrique Mohr, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
Federica Giovannella, Trento Universtiy
Private Sector
Edliano Valeriano Azevedo da Silva, Systems Analyst
Maureen Hernandez, Systems Engineer
Lauren Garcia,
Intergovernmental Organisations
Lee Hibbard, Council of Europe