Dear Quulro,In writing an article on this theme, it might be helpful to pay intricate attentiin
to the words in the text. Someone, in a certain context pointed out to me that even a positive word such as "open" could be misinterpreted by policy makers. Even with a modified
on the idea of "governanceless Internet", with a capital "I" by the way, the ideas, even if flawless
variously chacterized, ranging from "progressive thought' in a positive sense
to 'revolutionary ideas" in a negative sense.If this is about CNs, you might wish to take some feedback before you print
that is a step that I almost never take. :)On Wed, Apr 15, 2020, 20:33 quiliro <> wrote:
I would like to write an article on the need to create a governanceless
internet in order to avoid centralized collapse.
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