[Note: Prize money increased to $1k for 2018]


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                   CALL FOR NOMINATIONS:







***     Submit nominations for the 2018 award period of the      ***

***  Applied Networking Research Prize until November 5, 2017!   ***

***                                                              ***

***    (Please share this announcement with your colleagues.)    ***



The Applied Networking Research Prize (ANRP) is awarded for recent

results in applied networking research that are relevant for

transitioning into shipping Internet products and related

standardization efforts. Researchers with relevant, recent results are

encouraged to apply for this prize, which will offer them the

opportunity to present and discuss their work with the engineers,

network operators, policy makers and scientists that participate in

the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and its research arm, the

Internet Research Task Force (IRTF). Third-party nominations for this

prize are also encouraged. The goal of the Applied Networking Research

Prize is to recognize the best new ideas in networking, and bring them

to the IETF and IRTF especially in cases where they would not

otherwise see much exposure or discussion.


The Applied Networking Research Prize (ANRP) consists of:


• invited talk at the IRTF Open Meeting

• travel grant to attend a week-long IETF meeting (airfare, hotel,

registration, stipend)

• cash prize of $1000 (USD)

• recognition at the IETF plenary

• invitation to related social activities

• potential for additional travel grants to future IETF meetings,

based on community feedback


The Applied Networking Research Prize will be awarded once per

calendar year. Each year, several winners will be chosen and invited

to present their work at one of the three IETF meetings during the






Only a single person can be nominated for the award. The basis of the

nomination is a peer-reviewed, original journal, conference or

workshop paper they authored, which was recently published or accepted

for publication. The nominee must be one of the main authors of the

nominated paper. Both self-nominations (nominating one’s own paper)

and third-party nominations (nominating someone else’s paper) are



The nominated paper should provide a scientific foundation for

possible future IETF engineering work or IRTF research and

experimentation, analyze the behavior of Internet protocols in

operational deployments or realistic testbeds, make an important

contribution to the understanding of Internet scalability,

performance, reliability, security or capability, or otherwise be of

relevance to ongoing or future IETF or IRTF activities.


Applicants must briefly describe how the nominated paper relates to

these goals, and are encouraged to describe how a presentation of

these research results would foster their transition into new IETF

engineering or IRTF experimentation, or otherwise seed new activities

that will have an impact on the real-world Internet.


The goal of the Applied Networking Research Prize (ANRP) is to foster

the transitioning of research results into real-world benefits for the

Internet. Therefore, applicants must indicate that they (or the

nominee, in case of third-party nominations) are available to attend

at least one of the year’s IETF meetings in person and in its



Nominations must include:


• the name and email address of the nominee

• a bibliographic reference to the published (or accepted)

nominated paper

• a PDF copy of the nominated paper

• a statement that describes how the nominated paper fulfills the

goals of the award

• a statement about which of the year’s IETF meetings the nominee

would be available to attend in person and in its entirety

• a brief biography or CV of the nominee

• optionally, any other supporting information (link to nominee’s

web site, etc.)


Nominations are submitted via the submission site at

https://irtf.org/anrp/2018/. In exceptional cases, nominations may also

be submitted by email to anrp@irtf.org.





Applications close: November 5, 2017 (hard)

Notifications:      December 7, 2017





The Applied Networking Research Prize (ANRP) is supported by the

Internet Society (ISOC) in coordination with the Internet Research Task Force






If you would like to help publicize the ANRP within your

organization, you are welcome to print and use the flyer at









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