¡Buena noticia, Luca!
[]s fraternos
On 22-09-16 17:43, Luca Belli wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is just to let you know that Vint Cerf has accepted to open our
> Community Networking pre-event on Day 0!!
> His participation will be excellent to bring visibility to the issue
> amongst IGF participants.
> Special thanks to Jane Coffin for her great work liaising with Vint Cerf!
> An excellent evening to you all,
> Luca
> FGV Direito Rio
> *Luca Belli, PhD*
> /Senior Researcher/
> /Head of /*/Internet Governance @ FGV
> <http://internet-governance.fgv.br/ >/*//luca.belli@fgv.br
> +55 21 3799 *5763*//
> http://www.fgv.br/mailing/Direito_Rio/assinatura_email/ Ondas.png
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Carlos A. Afonso
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Ritu Srivastava
Senior Programme Manager
Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF)
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Email Id: ritu@defindia.net
The “Internet Rights” is an initiative through which DEF is consistently making an effort to make Internet as a medium to reach the masses, to create even opportunities and linkages between haves and have-nots so that the grassroots knowledge reaches the economic prosperity and vice-versa through information communication technology and digital media.
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