As an ordinary DC3 member, I have please the following questions...

What could be the role of DC3 within this policy network?
How would DC3 be heard within this policy network?
How can DC3 get access to the information discussed at the PN?
Would PN activites be binding on DC3?

I am very pleased to see access given a prominant place again. I remember the WSIS prep coms well and access was the Big topic of the those times those times the free email account, and move to wireless connectivity were about connecting the unconnected fast... in reality we are still concerned with these foundational matters and now quality internet matters, really matters ....

Amali De Silva - Mitchell. 

On Wednesday, 24 February 2021, Carlos Afonso <> wrote:
Dear people,

The MAG is discussing an interesting proposal for a Policy Network on Meaningful Access, which is closely related to the work of the DC3, among other initiatives.

Please read the attached document. It is a draft and the PN is not yet approved.

[]s fraternos



Carlos A. Afonso
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