Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity is more than fine for me :)
De: dc3-bounces@listas.altermundi.net [dc3-bounces@listas.altermundi.net] em nome de Nicolás Echániz [nicoechaniz@altermundi.net]
Enviado: quinta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2015 16:32
Para: dc3@listas.altermundi.net
Assunto: Re: [DC3] RES: Re: Future IGF Dynamic Coalition on Connected Communities
On 11/19/2015 02:16 PM, parminder wrote:
> On Thursday 19 November 2015 08:56 PM, Nicolás Echániz wrote:
>> Parminder,
>> Maybe: Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity would be better?
>> (and we can keep the DC3 acronym)
> Nico
> It is certainly better than connected communities.
Bob is OK with this option, Parminder prefers it, I tend to agree after
this discussion.
So I propose we keep: *Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity* as
the name for this DC. While less "poetic" to my ear, it seems to better
describe our purpose and it does not present the bad aspects discussed
regarding the first option.
Can we agree on this? Is this OK for the rest who shared in this
discussion? Luca, Leandro, Mike, Ritu?
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Ritu Srivastava
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