Another potential opportunity, especially for those in Argentina and South America.


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From: Birgit Penzenstadler <>
Date: Tue, Dec 20, 2016 at 11:05 PM
Subject: [ICT4S] 1st International Workshop on Design and Innovation in Software Engineering (DISE)
To: "" <>

Call for Papers

1st International Workshop on Design and Innovation in Software Engineering (DISE)

In Conjunction with the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
May 23, 2017


The DISE (Design and Innovation in Software Engineering) workshop aims to attract academic software engineering researchers, designers from various communities and industry practitioners engaged in software engineering innovation and the use of design
methods for co-creation and open innovation. We are interested in how we innovate in software engineering, meaning how we build and launch on the market new software products, systems and services as well as how do we develop the tools and methods required for their engineering. Innovation by design, design thinking, user experiences design, and design science research are proven methods for innovation. They have the power to supplement existing software engineering design practices. How are they
used in software engineering is also a question this first edition of the DISE workshop will aim to address.

What are the avenues from cross-pollinating design disciplines and software engineering?

Innovation is vital for the long-term sustainability of any software development company and design for innovation is or should be a crucial stage in the development of any software product, system and service. As argued by Chesbrough, an open innovation pioneer: “companies that don’t innovate die” In the recent years, serious concerns have been raised on the failure of development processes, methods and tools to support innovation. The workshop aims to be a research living lab to answer these questions while building an academic research agenda and network on the design and innovation concerns in software
engineering. Participants are encouraged to investigate multidisciplinary design research and design thinking approaches and their integration into the wider engineering and innovation processes. The workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners from various fields to look across various design theories and schools including the traditional software design methodologies, innovation by design, design and system thinking and user-centric design, participatory design, eco-design and innovation approaches.

The following are some of the questions that participants are invited to address:

•  How can design science and design theories provide guidance and inform more effective innovations in software engineering?

•  How can designers collaborate with software engineers so we can improve communication between design for innovation and engineering?

•  How has the science of design evolved from its beginnings starting from the pioneering work of Herbert Simon and how design can supplement the existing methods for design in software engineering?

•  Beyond the software engineering community, what is the current state of research in other related software design communities, mainly MIS, HCI, open innovation and engineering?

•  How can we integrate and cross-pollinate diverse design methods from different communities and how to align them with the wider engineering and innovation processes?

•  Which existing design and open innovation approaches are well-suited to study and model the large diversity of software systems and services?

•  Which promising (new) research topics and data sources can design and open innovation provide?

•  How can crowdsourcing, user-centric design and design thinking approaches be applied to engage stakeholders in solving software engineering problems while helping to create innovative software systems?

We solicit:

•  Research papers (max 7 pages) that describe evaluated research.

•  Vision papers (max 4 pages) that show insights from other fields and how they could be applied to software engineering, or that propose a research agenda with a clear vision of what the future may look like in this area.

Submissions due: Friday January 20, 2017

Notification to Authors: Friday, February 17. 2017

Camera-ready: Monday, February 27, 2017

Workshop Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2017

We are looking forward to your contributions!

Ahmed Seffah (Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland)
Birgit Penzenstadler (California State University, Long Beach, CA, USA)
Carina Alves (Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil)
Xin Peng (Fudan University, Shanghai, China)
Workshop Organizers
Come volunteer with me in NEPAL
Dr. Birgit Penzenstadler
California State University Long Beach

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