Michael,Even if beyond the purview of this DC, on the topic of refugee settlements, can CNs integrate connectivity technologies with SDGs related to decent life (for the length of their refugee status)? Could CNs with UNHCR, ISOC and UNDP to identify borderline land tracts to build temporary but decent, connected neighbourhoods, with the Communities themselves using connectivity to engineer all round well being? Food, Shelter, Water, Clothing, Health, Education.... ?_______________________________________________On Mon, Apr 27, 2020, 13:56 Michael J. Oghia <mike.oghia@gmail.com> wrote:Hi everyone,_______________________________________________Some of you may be interested in this webinar.Stay safe and well,-Michael---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) <communications@irena.org>
Date: Sun, Apr 26, 2020 at 10:28 AM
Subject: Identifying renewable energy solutions in refugee settlements
To: <mike.oghia@gmail.com>
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Renewables for refugee settlements:
Sustainable energy access in humanitarian situations
In response to the alarming numbers of displaced people around the world and their unreliable access to sustainable energy, IRENA collaborated with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in developing the study Renewable Solutions for Refugee Settlements. We are pleased to invite you to join IRENA's next webinar to discuss how renewable energy solutions could provide the refugees with clean, reliable, and cost-efficient energy for their daily needs:
on Tuesday, 28 April 2020
at 10:00 - 10:30 CET
As part of the IRENA's webinar series, this webinar will share insights and takeaways from the study, outline avenues to replicate the proposed renewable energy solutions in other refugee settlements, and share possible business models to increase the uptake of renewables, as well as to enable the participation of private actors.
The webinar will feature a guest speaker from UNHCR Ethiopia:
Dr. Deribe Gurmu
IRENA Speakers:
Emanuele Taibi
Power Sector Transformation Strategies
Aakarshan Vaid
Power Sector Transformation Strategies
To learn more about IRENA's webinar series, please click here
Stay in touch with IRENA at
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