I have indeed made an arrangement to visit them and will certainly introduce them to DC3.

Cheers... Steve

On Fri, 29 Jun 2018 at 10:11, Carlos Afonso <ca@cafonso.ca> wrote:
Great suggestion, Sylvia. If people agree, Steve could invite as he will
certainly be talking to them.

frt rgds


On 29-06-18 04:40, Sylvia Cadena wrote:
> Are they aware of this list? It will be great to
> invite them to share and participate.
> ————
> *Sylvia Cadena | APNIC Foundation - Head of Programs* | sylvia@apnic.net
> <mailto:sylvia@apnic.net> | http://www.apnic.foundation
> <http://www.apnic.foundation/
> *ISIF Asia, WSIS Champion on International Cooperation
> 2018* | http://www.isif.asia <http://www.isif.asia/> | FB ISIF.asia |
> @ISIF_Asia | G+ ISIFAsia | 
> 6 Cordelia Street, South Brisbane, QLD,  4101 Australia
> <x-apple-data-detectors://5> | PO Box 3646 | +10 GMT | skypeID:
> sylviacadena | Tel: +61 7 3858 3100 <tel:+61%207%203858%203100> |  Fax:
> +61 7  3858 3199 <tel:3858%203199>
> * Love trees. Print only if necessary.
> On 29 Jun 2018, at 4:06 am, Leandro Navarro <leandro@pangea.org
> <mailto:leandro@pangea.org>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 28/6/18 05:33, Carlos Afonso wrote:
>>> I've seen emails mentioning it, no contact however. Great that you will
>>> try and get in touch with them. Reminds me also of that Welsh community
>>> which took Internet connectivity into their own hands
>>> (https://bit.ly/2lG75Hq).
>> I've sent Steve the contacts in B4RN privately. Anyway they use the
>> support group email that appears in the web as contact :-)
>>> One topic to learn about is related to the transit contracts -- maybe on
>>> a case by case basis (depending on location), or a bulk contract with a
>>> single transit provider etc. Offering Gbit/s (is this bidirectional?)
>> Yes, they offer 1Gbps bidir, and a few 10 Gbps for companies/orgs.
>>> at the edge needs big transit "pipes".
>> The pipes do not need to be that huge, aggregation helps.
>> If I remember well, they have fibre to an IX in Manchester where they
>> get connectivity with carriers, and last year they were in the process
>> of leasing dark fibre to reach Edinburgh (probably in another IX) for
>> redundancy.
>>> Also interesting is to talk about
>>> the UK's "gigabit broadband voucher scheme" and how this helps their
>>> initiative.
>> It was the topic of a discussion in a recent INCA meeting that I didn't
>> attend. As usual, vouchers/subsidies can have a supporting or distorting
>> effect, depending of the rules/conditions + uncertainty if things take
>> time to deliver or are intelligently designed to favor large national
>> operators (a big elephant coming ...).
>> B4RN seems to be doing very good in terms of community investment, so
>> probably these vouchers can't add anything visible to it, but shake the
>> environment ...
>> Warm regards, Leandro.
>>> fraternal regards
>>> --c.a.
>>> On 27/06/2018 16:47, Steve Song wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Does anyone have a good contact at B4RN?  I will be in the UK for a
>>>> couple
>>>> of days in July would like to visit them.
>>>> Thanks... Steve Song
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Carlos A. Afonso
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Steve Song
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