2021 Report
Call for Resources
Sustainable Funding Models for Community Networks
The Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity (DC3) is a multistakeholder group established under the auspices of the
United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF), dedicated to promoting the discussion on community networks (CNs). DC3 furthers analysis of how CNs may help create sustainable Internet connectivity
while empowering Internet users.
Further information regarding DC3 and it outcomes (including books and reports) can be found on the
IGF website as well as on www.comconnectivity.org.
All DC3 reports are freely available under Creative Commons License.
DC3 invites all interested individuals to submit papers and essays, exploring how CN and alternative access models can be funded. Papers and essays will be compiled
in the DC3 2021 report dedicate to Sustainable Funding Models for Community Networks
Papers and essays must be submitted by
20 September 2021 and explore relevant issues such as (but not limited to):
Submissions should be sent to
luca.belli@fgv.br using “DC3 2021 Submission” as an email object.
All submitted papers will be subject to peer review. Authors will be given the opportunity to improve their contributions based on the review.
Selected papers will be published into the DC3 Report, which will be published in open access, under Creative Commons licenses.
Authors will also be invited to present their work at the annual DC3 meeting to be held at the United Nations Internet Governance Forum, in December 2021, in an online
Luca Belli, PhD Professor | FGV Law Schoool Coordinator | Center for Technology & Society
Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - CEP: 22250-900
So exciting!! Great work, Luca!
Dr Kira Allmann
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Media Law & Policy
Centre for Socio-Legal Studies
Faculty of Law
University of Oxford
e-mail: kira.allmann@csls.ox.ac.uk
web: kiraallmann.com
<dc3-bounces@listas.altermundi.net> on behalf of Carlos Rey-Moreno <carlos@apc.org>
Reply-To: Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity <dc3@listas.altermundi.net>
Date: Wednesday, July 21, 2021 at 12:18 PM
To: "dc3@listas.altermundi.net" <dc3@listas.altermundi.net>
Subject: Re: [DC3] DC3 Outcome in the French Telecoms Regulator Annual Report!
Yes! Congrats Luca!!! Looking forward to these year's report from DC3
On 21/7/21 10:29, Raquel Renno Nunes wrote:
Great work, congratulations to you and the team!
On 7/20/2021 9:39 PM, Jane Coffin wrote:
Well done!
From: <dc3-bounces@listas.altermundi.net> on behalf of Nathalia Foditsch <nathalia@foditsch.com>
Reply-To: Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity <dc3@listas.altermundi.net>
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 at 2:53 PM
To: Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity <dc3@listas.altermundi.net>, Steve Song <steve@villagetelco.org>
Subject: Re: [DC3] DC3 Outcome in the French Telecoms Regulator Annual Report!
On 07/20/2021 2:46 PM Steve Song <steve@villagetelco.org> wrote:
Congratulations Luca! Kudos!
On Tue, 20 Jul 2021, at 13:46, Luca Belli wrote:
Dear all,
Just a quick message to let you know that the French Telecoms Regulator (ARCEP) has published its report on the State of the Internet, with a two-page section dedicated to the findings of the joint DCNN-DC3 outcome report on The Value of Internet Openness in Times of Crises (one of the IGF 2020 outputs).
The section on “The Value of Internet Openness in Times of Crisis: Net Neutrality, Community Networks and Digital Self-determination” is at page 16-17of the ARCEP report. It is the first time an ARCEP official document explicitly refers to Community Networks, while also emphasising their potential for (network/digital) self-determination! https://en.arcep.fr/uploads/tx_gspublication/report-state-internet-2021-edition-july2021.pdf
The book on The Value of Internet Openness in Times of Crises is available here https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/filedepot_download/6114/2375
All the best
Luca Belli, PhD
Professor | FGV Law Schoool
Coordinator | Center for Technology & Society
+55 21 3799 5763 t@1lucabelli
Praia de Botafogo, 190 13º andar
Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - CEP: 22250-900
CTS-FGV direitorio.fgv.br/cts
cyberBRICS www.cyberbrics.info
CPDP LatAm www.cpdp.lat
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DC3 mailing list
DC3 mailing list
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_______________________________________________DC3 mailing listDC3@listas.altermundi.nethttps://listas.altermundi.net/mailman/listinfo/dc3
Carlos Rey-Moreno, PhD
Co-lead Local Networks: Policy and Strategy
Association for Progressive Communications
Cel: +27 (0) 76 986 3633
Skype: carlos.reymoreno Twitter: Creym