In the phase I, I sent this proposal and it is important to approach the topic to connect the next billion to national broadband plans and digital cities as a policy to create a public (unbundled and shared) infrastructure to fulfill the needs of the information society.


Thanks Luca…


Marcelo Saldanha
Movimento de Espectro Livre / Movimento de Redes Livres

Cel/Telgram/Whatsapp: 22-98842.0482
Skype : marcelo_secante
No campo das ideias, o limite é sonhar o impossível e no campo das realizações, basta perseverar.




De: [] Em nome de Luca Belli
Enviada em: sexta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2016 16:50
Para: Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity
Assunto: [DC3] IGF Paper on Policy Options for Connecting and Enabling the Next Billion


Hi all,
FYI, it is still possible to provide feedback to the IGF paper on Policy Options for Connecting and Enabling the Next Billion

Here is the part on "access" that includes several paragraphs on CNs
