Hi all,

I though this might be of interest as, some days ago, there was some discussion on Facebook’s zero rating plans on this list.

All the best


De: LB@lucabelli.net [mailto:LB@lucabelli.net]
Enviada em: terça-feira, 26 de junho de 2018 17:26
Para: DC NN <nncoalition@mailman.edri.org>; global-nn@lists.riseup.net; governance <governance@lists.riseup.net>
Cc: Luca Belli <luca.belli@fgv.br>
Assunto: ARCEP includes the Zero Rating Map in its State of the Internet report


Dear all, (apologies for cross-posting)


As you might know, ARCEP (the French Telecoms Regulator) has just released its "State of the Internet" report.


I am particularly pleased to let you know that the "Net Neutrality" part of the report features a section dedicated to the Zero Rating Map, whose beta version was launched at the IGF 2017 and that now includes information on Zero Rating and  Net Neutrality regulations in 90 countries. See http://zerorating.info/


It is, to my knowledge, the first time a national regulator includes a section on an IGF outcome in an official report. Besides being concrete evidence that the IGF is not a mere talking shop, this episode demonstrates not only that the IGF can produce concrete outcomes but also that those outcomes can be of concrete use for researchers, regulators and other stakeholders alike. Furthermore, I think it is a very positive sign that the Telecoms regulator of the IGF host country shows such interest for IGF outcomes. 


The French version of the report is here https://www.arcep.fr/uploads/tx_gspublication/rapport-etat-internet-2018_conf050618.pdf

The English version is here https://www.arcep.fr/uploads/tx_gspublication/report-state-internet-2018_conf050618-ENG.pdf


The section dedicated to Zero Rating and the Minitelisation of the Internet (that I had the honour to author) is at page 69.

Further readings on the subject (all in open access) are indicated in the footnotes.


FYI, all IGF outcomes elaborated by the DCNN over the past years are also freely available here https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/dynamic-coalition-on-network-neutrality-dcnn?qt-dynamic_coalition_on_network_neu=4#qt-dynamic_coalition_on_network_neu


All the best





Luca Belli, PhD

Senior Researcher, Center for Technology & Society, FGV Rio de Janeiro

Chercheur Associé, Centre de Droit Public Comparé, Université Paris 2

Head of Internet Governance at FGV






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