Hi c.a. I/we got it the first time. A workshop on DC3 topics would be great. I can contribute in the writing but not lead.

Personally I could participate remotely but not travel to the event if that helps. My contribution could be around our research on organisational and sustainability models for several community networks but mainly guifi.net (along the lines of this work: http://people.ac.upc.edu/leandro/pubs/crowds-guifi-en.pdf also http://people.ac.upc.edu/leandro/pubs/crowds-guifi-es.pdf)

Regarding sponsoring/supporting orgs we can count on the netcommons.eu project (6 academic orgs in Europe) looking at community networks (as commons) and/or the guifi.net Foundation.

Kind regards, Leandro.

On 18/5/16 19:06, Carlos Afonso wrote:
Hi, I am afraid my messages are not reaching the DC3 list. Repeating the
message below, sent yesterday.

fraternal regards



Dear people,

Just an update and a suggestion regarding DC3 presence/involvement in
the IGF 2016/Mexico.

Time is very short, and checking with people more closely involved with
the process indicates it is a bit late for us to try and propose a Best
Practice Forum (BPF).

However, we could indeed propose a workshop, and again time is short.
But while a BPF imposes several requisites (including the leadership or
coordination of a MAG member etc), a workshop is simpler: needs to be
multistakeholder, needs to be related to one of the main themes of the
IGF (easy), and the proposal needs to include a provisional list of
speakers and sponsoring/supporting organizations.

I do not see these as difficulties. I am attaching the proposal Nupef
did for the IGF 2015 for a roundtable (one of the workshop formats
accepted by the IGF) on spectrum at the edge. Maybe adapting it to the
more general scope of the DC3 would be a way to expedite a proposal.

If agreed, I guess we need volunteers to do the job of writing up the
proposal. Deadline (MAG does not plan to extend it): June 6th, 2016.

More info on workshops for 2016:

If the community decides to do it, I think APC (Mike?), Nupef and CGI.br
could be listed as co-organizers or supporters, as you wish. I guess it
would be ideal if the leading organizer (for the purpose of the
application at least) were Rhizomatica, since it is Mexico-based and
very successful on the theme. Does not imply funding of course, but at
least to comply with the formality of quoting organizations' involvement
to strengthen the proposal.

Last but not least, I guess maybe you are already advancing on that. My
suggestions stand anyway.

fraternal regards


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