I will also be there, giving a talk about the LibreRouter that is around the corner, and a roundtable about CNs

On May 10, 2018 10:17:22 AM CDT, Luca Belli <luca.belli@fgv.br> wrote:

Hi all,


Thanks for the positive feedback

Here is a pad with an initial draft agenda https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/DC3meetingRightsCon

Please feel free to add any relevant item you would like to discuss





FGV Direito Rio

Luca Belli, PhD
Senior Researcher
Head of
Internet Governance @ FGV

+55 21 3799 5763





De: dc3-bounces@listas.altermundi.net [mailto:dc3-bounces@listas.altermundi.net] Em nome de Jane Coffin
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 7 de maio de 2018 22:08
Para: Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity <dc3@listas.altermundi.net>
Cc: Mark Buell <buell@isoc.org>
Assunto: Re: [DC3] RightsCon


Hi All –


There are a few panels on CNs.

One is on CN and indigenous.  Mark Buell from our NA office cc’d.


Konstantinos from our team – is on another.  He is cc’d.






Internet Society | www.internetsociety.org

Skype:  janercoffin

Mobile/WhatsApp:  +

From: <dc3-bounces@listas.altermundi.net> on behalf of Judith Hellerstein <judith@jhellerstein.com>
Reply-To: Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity <dc3@listas.altermundi.net>
Date: Monday, May 7, 2018 at 6:43 PM
To: Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity <dc3@listas.altermundi.net>
Subject: Re: [DC3] RightsCon


Hi Luca

I will be there. My sessions is on indigenous communities but not community networks, but for those that are interested it is at 10:30am in room q


See everyone there 



Sent from my iPhone

Skype ID:Judithhellerstein 

On May 7, 2018, at 6:07 PM, Luca Belli <
luca.belli@fgv.br> wrote:

Dear all,


As you may know, RightsCon will take place from 16 to 18 May In Toronto.


Several DC3 members will be there and I think it would be an excellent opportunity to have a face to face meeting and start exchanging ideas on how to organize DC3 work until the IGF.


I have booked a “meeting pod”, on Wednesday 16, during lunch break, hoping this time slot will be suitable for everyone. (see gathering details below)


The DC3 gathering will be right after this session on  DIY toolkits for citizen inclusion & empowerment, where I will present on Network Self-determination http://sched.co/EHln


Please feel free to share the details of the sessions on CNs that you participating to so that we can have a better idea of what session might be of particular  interest  for DC3 members.


All the best



Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at 1:30 PM


1 hour


Pod 1


Meeting IGF Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity (DC3)



FGV Direito Rio

Luca Belli, PhD
Senior Researcher
Head of
Internet Governance @ FGV

+55 21 3799 5763





DC3 mailing list

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