I solved this troubble some months ago. 
The problem come in openwrt because by default the macaddr of br-mesh (the bridge where i put bat0) is the same of vlan macaddr (inserted in bat0)

For example, in tplink wdr4300 with openwrt in /etc/config/network I have:

config interface 'mesh2'
option proto 'batadv'
option mesh 'bat0'
option ifname 'eth0.7'
option macaddr '90:f6:52:f2:8c:2c'

root@tl-wrd4300:~# cat /sys/class/net/eth0.7/address 
root@tl-wrd4300:~# cat /sys/class/net/br-mesh/address 

There is another small problem about this configuration in config/network. After setup new macaddr of vlan and uci commit network, /etc/init.d/network restart don't change the macaddr correctly, but reboot is needed.


On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 10:43 PM, Ilario Gelmetti <ilario.gelmetti@sns.it> wrote:
Il 31/03/2014 21:05, Nicolás Echániz ha scritto:
> El 31/03/14 14:18, Ilario GELMETTI escribió:
>> On Mon, 31 Mar 2014 12:14:42 +0200 Gioacchino Mazzurco
>> <gio@eigenlab.org> wrote:
>>> On Monday 31 March 2014 11:49:44 Ilario GELMETTI wrote:
>>>> firmware. From dmesg of the two devices I can see some error form
>>>> batman loop avoidance: br-lan: received packet on bat0 with own
>>>> address as source address Do you think that could be a libre-mesh
>>>> related problem?
>>> It seems it is related but inside batman-adv problem is causing
>>> this, i have already reported this various times to batman-adv
>>> folks moreover it doesn't depend on your fisical setup because it
>>> happens also with just one device
>>> Please report this bug to batma-adv guys too so they have more data
>>> to investigate
>> I'm going to ask on batman-adv mailing list, btw no one has this
>> problem using libre mesh with meshing activated also on the wired
>> interface?
> It is relatively common to see this message from time to time in batman
> nodes, but if you start seeing it very frequently it will most surely be
> sign of a problem.

I can see this message in dmesg every 10.02 seconds.

> Search the batman list archives for this, there has
> been some discussion already.

Yep, in these discussions:

I sent an email to batman-adv list:

Ilario Gelmetti

Dev mailing list
