Ok for me, we can discuss the details using the mailing list.

The "lime-build" source code in github should work to generate some testing images. I copy&paste what I posted in other private mail about that.

If you clone the repository lime-build and type "make T=tl-703n J=2",
it should compile the system with the lime-system enabled and the

For the moment only the targets tl-703n and tl-wdr4300 are supported,
but it is just a mather of adding the config files in the
To create them execute
- make T=NEW_TARGET menuconfig
- find the resulting config file in build/configs/NEW_TARGET
- diffconfig it with build/ar71xx/scripts/
diffconfig (yes, it should
be added to the Makefile to do it automatically, please volunteeers!!)
- save it to configs/NEW_TARGET

Following this approach we can have kind of useful diferent profiles
for each target. So, some software can fit in devices such as wdr4300
and not in 703n.

On 20/05/13 20:18, NicoEchániz wrote:
Hi Pau and SAn,

during the brainstorming sessions that gave birth to libre-mesh we
talked about integrating qmpfw and the firmware Chef.

Pau and SAn are the guys behind the development of these tools, maybe it
would be interesting to start coordinating how this can be actually

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