Thanks Mark - I was using 18.06.2 as per that web page and there isn't a lime-full that I can see in there.  I also cannot see a 17.06 as being currently available, but I did see a 18.06.4 which I've tried out and I get the same result - cannot see the lime-proto-anygw

I've also tried 17.01.7 and again I cannot see that item.

I suspect the documentation on building isn't quite finished yet, so perhaps I should leave things for a bit or simply use Chef.

On 17/07/19 6:00 pm, Mark Birss wrote:

Try "lime-full" ?
as the 17.06 builds used a meta (collection package) that selected all the required packages called "lime-full' 

On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 2:45 AM David Medland-Slater <> wrote:

Hi - I'm following :

and it mentions selecting the LibreMesh pages which I've done, but I cannot seem to find

  • LiMe → lime-proto-anygw

anywhere in the make menuconfig.  I can find all the others mentioned in this documentation, but not this one.

Any advice appreciated....

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