I haven’t used the OpenWRT-18.06 version yet so it might be different there. I’m working with https://github.com/libremesh/lime-sdk/commit/c3385846bf74d9b7530bc333f59fefeed6329076 normally but even on the default LibreMesh build from https://downloads.libremesh.org/dayboot_rely/17.06/targets/ i usually use curl 'http://thisnode.info/cgi-bin/bmx6-info?$neighbours  to get a JSON from another machine or just run the script if I’m connected over SSH to any node. I believe it was located in /www/cgi-bin/bmx6-info

On 9 November 2018 at 22:04:15, David Johnson (david.lloyd.johnson@gmail.com) wrote:

I'm using Libremesh version openwrt-18.06

I want to extract the topology of the mesh in a json format for some
visualization software we are building. What do you suggest is the
best way of doing this

BMX6 version is:
BMX6-0.1-alpha comPatibility=16

So far I've tried
- opkg install bmx6-topology to try and use the topology plugin ...
but this doesn't exist on this libremesh release
- Using the b6m-jsonp script

But logread shows:
user.notice b6m-jsonp: ERROR: globalId not found, abort

So this version of BMX6 is not exporting that $globalId

Any suggestions


Dr David Johnson
Director, Ammbr Research Labs South Africa
Part of the AmmbrTech Group

Adjunct Senior Lecturer
ICT4D, Computer Science Department
University of Cape Town
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