Hi Amuza,
I've used nodogsplash on libremesh and on vanilla openwrt.
It's usage is straightforward, the only important thing is that you need global name resolution (usually provided by your ISP DNS).
What nodogsplash does is adding iptables rules to redirect browsers to a local server that it also provides, till the user gets 'authenticated'.
The authentication can be just to visit the page, a radius service that can do user/pass  auth, or anything you want.
For it to work on libremesh you need to configure the interfaces it binds to.
I don't recall how it works, but this is my nodogsplash configuration file: https://gist.github.com/nicopace/495a050b0fe0bdbfa4c683f91c97fb46

If you don't find the way, just let me know and will dig into that.


-- Nicolás Pace http://www.linkedin.com/in/nickar

On Sat, Dec 10, 2016 at 5:21 AM, Amuza <amuza@riseup.net> wrote:
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Good meshing, We would like to have a captive portal in our LiMe network. We have never played with those things. I think the one to use here is Nodogsplash. My question is: Is there any information I should have to make Nodogsplash work on Lime? Sorry to ask before even trying, but when reading about Nodogsplash I saw things on firewalls and iptables that made me wondered if Lime will work like a plain OpenWRT. Thanks! -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux) iQIcBAEBAgAGBQJYS+UkAAoJEF2FWO6p8n2eC88P/0PjmduBtyg/6hsqsol6qqYm bOQu+wIuLdduDNdf4+kANfx+Tlx3WsLZa9Zyy0t85UBrIppdVJG4Zyik3mYmsR8h bMiWgF8Hod9dVZwmo2gAlN+dH9crUyWFXFw1KEM77/psJYx8Qe6y79j8pL3s+8yL blWs8k2I0eXUF9ytjsZK0TQXnrHXxBhAcIckRtTyhTQX0AicPgWDb+W9Ltl2EYSF XFR2OBEWL9PASRZ6wNxtZVK2sgy8KkI1LYJUmqtZlfhXB0YjRlN1SX/n/89FRGYt xVR5s75sHxi/erCMik1M2FENMErfX5TbWaeMqtJwdsQB6bowgdG5/BbvJ5kCiOMN sTpaZkpSFFuZ2d4UvOFjPycve4MEs6UnaSi5YSwgfKVOmos5lfQf3UvFIEZsAsBl LrAQqwsNK1/CdbVr8r1uoWVGITSOHleQUwG+DRQGEUs/b7HF2G2iZQCKwSdV5vkc hh0qGQ8d67Uq6tBk1RCbl50G/+CC+zAn0DC87xDQW0zJdRswfvEEKTAtg3eW/eTQ aKA1NysbZVNt4uAiMiPtkGjyRp12fs122pVaX72TguskBEcjrV4Vwq+SI7zQdFQ9 uTC7HrsB+MKGSYlUS66EAUzWLWo1JSV0tPBjAKAYo6uURFO+Ae5BCeyZa9nbBPi8 GZlXVJOQJ+hgMC5JF0Ux =8P8h -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- _______________________________________________ lime-users mailing list lime-users@lists.libremesh.org https://lists.libremesh.org/mailman/listinfo/lime-users