If the routers are connected between them via LAN ports it should work as you
On Thursday, 20 February 2020 13:41:29 CET Pedro Peña Sánchez wrote:
> I've many routers, connected one after another, with ethernet cables.
> "WAN" ---- Router 1 ---- Router 2 ---- Router 3 ---- Router 4 ...
> They have libremesh installed, only BATMAN_ADV, not BMX neither babeld,
> without DHCP server. Each connected client get the IP from the "WAN"
> They have watchping to see if connectivity over ethernet is lost, for
> example cable broken between Router 1 and 2. In this case, i suppose that
> Router 1 and 2 are still connected through BATMAN_ADV over wifi.
> Would Router 3 and 4 be workin over ethernet or over wifi?
> I mean .... Router 2, 3, and 4 would have reset IP connection on ethernet
> because of whatchping, although Router 3 and 4 have physical connection
> over ethernet.