Thanks Pedro. That's exactly my plan. I already have a Rock64 that has USB 3.0 connected to a node, perfect to streaming video over the mesh and for my SSB grant project I created a App Hub, which is like an App Store but that runs Secure Scuttlebot and Dat. Now I just have to build the applications to be distributed by this hub, and one of my first ideas is a whatsapp/telegram kind of app but running on cabal-node.

Em sex, 24 de ago de 2018 às 05:03, guifipedro <> escreveu:
So there is that people in the mesh fighting to reach that 1 Mbps? I
would go for running local contents (media: video, audio, pdfs) in
that mesh network (that ways would be bigger and bigger).

- patchwork is like a facebook that is very easy to run on it.
- retroshare is a nice way to share media files.
- run a whatsapp/telegram service like matrix inside the mesh network
to improve communication / videoconference with jitsi-meet
- etc
On Fri, Aug 24, 2018 at 2:06 AM Patricio Gibbs <> wrote:
> Investigate Tinyproxy to see if it meets your needs
> El 23 de agosto de 2018 18:58:26 GMT-05:00, Luandro Viera <> escribió:
>> We all share two 1Mb satellite connections here in our mesh. But since mine is always more hops aways from most of the users they tend to go to the single 1Mb gateway, so we're starting to experience really slow, some times, unusable internet.
>> We're already using a captive-portal system to block unwanted users, so now all I can think of is of controlling the bandwidth traffic. So I came across the sqm package. Seems to be easy way to controlling the traffic.
>> Anyone have any experience with using this package? Any other solutions, like using squid? Ideally we'd want to throttle videos, Bittorrent and other bandwidth suckers.
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