On 29/07/17 18:04, bruno vianna wrote:
I installed it, and it doesn't seem like it.

The way you add new contact is pretty clever (two devices face to face scanning their qr-codes), but I'd prefer to have it auto-discover peers in my local network....

On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 9:54 PM, Patricio Gibbs <patricio@altermundi.net> wrote:
Does Briar do LAN peer auto-discovery?
It just went to public beta.

I think both Briar [0] and Ring [1] are supposed to work in the LAN.
I tried them both a couple of times but they both gave me different problems.
They may be working now. If not, I guess -and hope- sooner or later they will, as I think both projects are being developed actively.
If anyone tests them please let us know the results.

[0] https://briarproject.org/
[1] https://ring.cx/

On 06/19/2017 05:35 AM, Amuza wrote:

On 19/06/17 11:26, Nicolas Pace wrote:
On Fri, 2017-06-16 at 16:50 +0200, Amuza wrote:
Hey sisters,

Let me share some good news for community networks -and bad ones for
Actually, ISPs also get benefited cause they don't use upstream for
this :)

Yes. But I meant ideally ISPs might end up not being needed at all.

0.- Bitmessage has been working on LAN peer auto-discovery. It is
already in v0.6 branch, we tested it and it works.

1.- Retroshare will finally have asynchronous messaging working
(Retroshare already has LAN peer auto-discovery).

2.- Impressive ZeroNet is aware of the importance of LAN peer
auto-discovery and they are going to add this feature.

Thanks Amuza!
Have been looking for this application layer functionality... i think
we need to dig more on this part.

Are you doing something in this area?

Just pushing any decentralized project I like so that they add LAN peer auto-discovery.


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