http://nuvem.tk/wiki/index.php/Fuma%C3%A7a_Data_Springs/ Anexo_t%C3%A9cnico#Instala.C3. A7.C3.A3o_do_portal_de_ controle_de_acesso
https://translate.google.fr/translate?hl=fr&sl=pt&tl=fr&u= http%3A%2F%2Fnuvem.tk%2Fwiki% 2Findex.php%2FFuma%C3%A7a_ Data_Springs%2FAnexo_t%C3% A9cnico
in parallel ;)
I get nodogsplash running on my Internet connected node. And use vale
for distributing connexion coupons. GREAT!!
For now, only one node is Internet connected. But what if many nodes
are? It seems I should install nodogsplash and vale on everyone.
Then I will need to share and synchronise vouchers and configuration
files accross all!?
This my install procedure.
opkg install nodogsplash (helps install dependencies)
opkg install
http://chef.altermundi.net/downloads/r44952/ar71xx/ packages/routing/nodogsplash_ 0.9_beta9.9.9-2-20150718_ 043129_ar71xx.ipk
opkg install
http://chef.altermundi.net/downloads/r44952/ar71xx/ packages/lime_packages/vale_ 2015-09-09-1441772353_ar71xx. ipk
root@LiMe-8de281:~# opkg files vale
Package vale (2015-09-09-1441772353) is installed on root and has the
following files:
root@LiMe-8de281:~# opkg files nodogsplash
Package nodogsplash (0.9_beta9.9.9-2-20150718_043129) is installed on
root and has the following files:
I translated and adapted into french
and provide voucher codes in /etc/nodogsplash/vale/db.csv
I am thinking in using rsync (or syncthing) from a reference node to
update files.
I am writing to the group to find people interested in that project ;) -
What exact files should be sync?
- Could we extend packages into multilanguage?
- Is there a better way to do access control on libremesh?
Happy end of last world
See you tomorrow ;)
http://www.qo-op.com/blog/2016/12/31/qo-op-wifi- solidaire-internet-villageois/
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