Hi, please run bmx -c version? There is a bmx6 Version with broken ipv4

Am 6. Februar 2018 18:34:27 MEZ schrieb bruno vianna <bruno@pobox.com>:

Dear meshies

We're trying to upgrade to version 17, but there are issues with Internet routing.

Even though the devices see each other and create a mesh network, Internet works only on the gateway router. We tried in meshes with wdr3500 and 4310 and got the same problem.

We got the binary images from here [1]. I also attached the output of "bmx6 -cp && bmx6 -cd8" in the gateway and in the other router as per Gui's suggestion.

Any clues?


[1] https://downloads.libremesh.org/dayboot_rely/17.06/targets/