On 28/11/16 12:45, bruno vianna wrote:

Does anyone know any working LiMe router more unidirectional than the
NanoStation M5? I need something more unidirectional.

It does not have to be a new model. Actually, I prefer if it is an old
one, so that I can get a second-hand one.

Hey Amuza

Let me ask you, are you using this M5 as an acess point? That is, are you planning to use it to connect several antennas? Or are you making a long-distance point to point connection? Because if it is the latter case, there is not much sense in installing libre-mesh in it - after all, it will only have two ports (wifi and ethernet). Not much meshing to be done there.

Thanks Bruno. The idea was to have LiMe routers everywhere, so that this point-to-point link could become one day a point-to-multipoint link, or even used as Access Point by any client that happens to be in the middle, so I did not think much of other possibilities, but I like your idea!

In these cases we usually leave AirOS in bridge mode (with WDS enabled) and use libremesh in the routers connected to ir in both ends.

I am going to try to stick to the original idea for a while. If I don't manage to make it, I will come back to you with some questions!



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