This is now resolved.

All of the things you suggested Paul, had been done, and then some. Manually announcing the Gateway would sometimes cause it to come up under bmx6, but once I switched to BMX7 even that would not happen.

In the end, the solution came from installing an image on each directly downloaded from, instead of built on the chef server. Seems the chef server is building them broken.

On Wed, Mar 14, 2018, 05:36 Paul Spooren <> wrote:
Hi, I can't completely follow your setup but if I understood correctly
the problem is the following?

Your device is connected via WWAN but it doesn't announce it to the
rest of the network?

Did you manually ping
Did you manually announce the uplink connection by running
/etc/watchping/wan-ok/bmx6-gw or bmx7-gw?


On Mi, Mär 14, 2018 at 5:19 AM, Paul Harmor <> wrote:
> You'll have to forgive me where I sound like a smart-ass. It happens.
> The FitPC2i (the current and best x86 machine I have for the purpose)
> that I'm presently using has NOTHING BUT USB wifi capability. The
> BUILT-IN interface is a USB rt2070-based radio. ANYTHING ELSE is
> going to be USB also (since there is no PCI expansion capability).
> But, it DID NOT MATTER whether or not the FitPC was the host I used,
> and now I can state that BMX 6/7 mattered not, or even no BMX at all
> (batman-adv only in use right this moment, STILL no autogw
> functionality).
> The autogw functionality is BROKEN! At least from my perspective, as
> someone who would dd=of several usb / sd medium, for distribution
> throughout my community for the sake of EXACTLY WHAT MESH NETWORKING
> On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 6:02 AM, Nicolas Pace <> wrote:
>> On Sun, 2018-03-04 at 17:08 +0000, Paul Harmor wrote:
>> > After weeks of trial and error and troubleshooting on several
>> > different Chef builds (1x ar71xx/wndr3700v2, 3x x86 of all
>> different
>> > hardware), default LiMe 802.11s profile, I've come to the
>> conclusion
>> > that watchping or some other link in the chain is failing to offer
>> > the gateway.
>> Hi Paul!
>> Despite your scenario is not the straightforward one (having a usb
>> wifi
>> interface as WAN), if this is a common scenario it would be good to
>> have it included.
>> Please, do share with us a little bit more on why you have that setup
>> so we can understand the case!
>> > At any time, if any node loses WAN uplink, it and it's clients will
>> > sit without internet for hours, while still communicating with all
>> > other nodes and machines on the network.
>> Based on
>> ing/files/etc/uci-defaults/90_watchping
>> watchping should be trying to test the connection every 20s and if
>> inet
>> found (by pinging google's dns host) will run triggers.
>> If you have a vanilla libremesh setup, that means it will run this:
>> uto-gw-mode/files/etc/watchping/wan-ok.d/bmx6-gw
>> and by doing so configuring bmx6 to be aware of that route to
>> internet
>> for both your local device and your networks.
>> If the network falls, this gets run:
>> uto-gw-mode/files/etc/watchping/wan-fail.d/bmx6-gw
>> so it should change the path it takes to go to internet to one
>> neighbour of yours.
>> >
>> > After some chat in the dev channel, the fact that I was using USB
>> > WiFi devices as WAN interfaces, set up with the LEDE/OPENWRT
>> default
>> > WWAN iface name, became suspect as the cause. Unfortunately
>> however,
>> > neither changing the reference in the watchping settings in
>> > /etc/config/system, nor changing WWAN to WAN as the actual
>> interface
>> > used made any difference. The nodes CAN communicate (thus not the
>> > usual "can't ping" bug), Uplink is recognized as lost by watchping,
>> > but the node with one does not ever offer it up.
>> Based on this:
>> 9382ed22ccda8fce3/packages/watchping/files/etc/uci-
>> defaults/90_watchping#L6
>> it uses the interface wan for the check... so if you add your
>> interface
>> to it should do.
>> > Once again, this is with the default 802.11s profile, meaning
>> BMX6. I
>> > have not yet tried BMX7, as I'm not sure how to migrate from one to
>> > the other in place.
>> BMX7 is not the default on LibreMesh, so you should not expect better
>> support there than on the default one.
>> Can you send the output of logread regarding this things?
>> Try to see what watchping says, it should be saying like the ones
>> here:
>> ing/files/usr/bin/watchping#L63
>> Regards,
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