2016-06-20 13:32 GMT+02:00 Ilario <iochesonome@gmail.com>:
2016-06-20 0:34 GMT+02:00 Amuza <amuza@riseup.net>:
> Did not know you guys participated in the SAX, I would have liked to
> know! You don't announce your talks/workshops, do you?

Anyway seems that the used slides were these ones:

Some instructions for viewing the presentation:
1. Download the presentation (two ways)
1.1. You can download a zip file including the last revision from here:
1.2. You can clone the whole git repository. e.g. with the Linux terminal issue the following command:
git clone https://github.com/G10h4ck/presentazione-SAX2016-reveal.js.git
2. Open the index.html file with a web browser
3. Surf the presentation pressing the space key

