[please someone accept my request from nz@os.vuas i’ve had to reconfigure my old account just to participate in the ml, thanks in advance ;]


Either here: https://it.gearbest.com/wireless-routers/pp_642436.html?wid=1433363whereit often goes on sale for about 30/32€, or here: https://it.aliexpress.com/item/Originale-Xiaomi-WiFi-3g-Router-Extender-Ripetitore-1167-Mbps-2-4g-5-ghz-Dual-Band-Wi/32843840653.html?spm=a2g0y.search0104.3.31.571d550fNo8nez&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_2_10065_10068_319_317_10696_10084_453_10924_454_10083_10618_10920_10921_10304_10307_10922_10820_10821_537_10302_536_10843_10059_10884_10887_100031_321_322_10103,searchweb201603_1,ppcSwitch_0&algo_pvid=b1c70f76-5c88-46d2-8831-7755344bea88&algo_expid=b1c70f76-5c88-46d2-8831-7755344bea88-4
Also, not tested, but interesting: https://m.intl.taobao.com/detail/detail.html?id=567548306041&abtest=9&rn=c1840ba00e388edf901c1ca923b05808&sid=ed8248d38b02f86d6300c0d6876e99dfandhttps://market.m.taobao.com/app/idleFish-F2e/widle-taobao-rax/page-detail?wh_weex=true&wx_navbar_transparent=true&id=581718818669&abtest=9&rn=0bd2916388c7fe89d314d990f5a1dcd6&sid=9074cc2de4865414e59a74506bbe16dc&forceH5=YES


As far as i know the 3G is the only one supported by openwrt but if anyone wants to try out the others that would be of great help to the community, although beware of the limitations of the others.

Keep in mind xiaomi has done a great job of making it a pain to flash this router in software [without taking them apart] so you need to physically register every device on their website and download an SSH package to flash on the devices. The SSH package is actually seemingly universal, however the password generation is still algorithmic and we don't know how they're generated. If anyone finds a solution, no registration would be needed, simply:

1] flash dev firmware on device
2] flash ssh package on device [one package works for all, you can use mine if you'd like, we can make it available online as well]
3] enter ssh shell via device-specific password [to be generated via as-of-yet-unknown algo]
4] flash owrt / lime

If anyone out there tries them out please report back here: https://forum.openwrt.org/t/status-updates-on-xiaomi-router-3g-mi-r3g/25883

@dan i know right! I'm so excited!

I just tested these out the other day but i plan to put them to work real soon.

The antennas don't seem to be removable, but I'll have our hardware guy take a look at them!
On 3 Dec 2018, 21:07 +0100, norðurljósahviða <nk@os.vu>, wrote:

[please someone accept my request from nz@os.vu as i’ve had to reconfigure my old account just to participate in the ml, thanks in advance ;]


Either here: https://it.gearbest.com/wireless-routers/pp_642436.html?wid=1433363where it often goes on sale for about 30/32€, or here: https://it.aliexpress.com/item/Originale-Xiaomi-WiFi-3g-Router-Extender-Ripetitore-1167-Mbps-2-4g-5-ghz-Dual-Band-Wi/32843840653.html?spm=a2g0y.search0104.3.31.571d550fNo8nez&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_2_10065_10068_319_317_10696_10084_453_10924_454_10083_10618_10920_10921_10304_10307_10922_10820_10821_537_10302_536_10843_10059_10884_10887_100031_321_322_10103,searchweb201603_1,ppcSwitch_0&algo_pvid=b1c70f76-5c88-46d2-8831-7755344bea88&algo_expid=b1c70f76-5c88-46d2-8831-7755344bea88-4
Also, not tested, but interesting: https://m.intl.taobao.com/detail/detail.html?id=567548306041&abtest=9&rn=c1840ba00e388edf901c1ca923b05808&sid=ed8248d38b02f86d6300c0d6876e99dfand https://market.m.taobao.com/app/idleFish-F2e/widle-taobao-rax/page-detail?wh_weex=true&wx_navbar_transparent=true&id=581718818669&abtest=9&rn=0bd2916388c7fe89d314d990f5a1dcd6&sid=9074cc2de4865414e59a74506bbe16dc&forceH5=YES


As far as i know the 3G is the only one supported by openwrt but if anyone wants to try out the others that would be of great help to the community, although beware of the limitations of the others.

Keep in mind xiaomi has done a great job of making it a pain to flash this router in software [without taking them apart] so you need to physically register every device on their website and download an SSH package to flash on the devices. The SSH package is actually seemingly universal, however the password generation is still algorithmic and we don't know how they're generated. If anyone finds a solution, no registration would be needed, simply:

1] flash dev firmware on device
2] flash ssh package on device [one package works for all, you can use mine if you'd like, we can make it available online as well]
3] enter ssh shell via device-specific password [to be generated via as-of-yet-unknown algo]
4] flash owrt / lime

If anyone out there tries them out please report back here: https://forum.openwrt.org/t/status-updates-on-xiaomi-router-3g-mi-r3g/25883

@dan i know right! I'm so excited!

I just tested these out the other day but i plan to put them to work real soon.

The antennas don't seem to be removable, but I'll have our hardware guy take a look at them!