Thanks for your answer Ilario. You have helped me a lot.
I did not explain correctly. With '"generic settings" I mean "all in the default image".
I know lime-defaults, but I want to know, for example, that default image uses BMX6 and BATMAN but not babeld (can be incorrect, it's an example). In that case, I could compile a default "current" image (compile myself an image with the same functionality that the "current" relase) selecting that packages in "make menuconfig".
DEPENDS:=+lime-system +lime-proto-bmx6 +lime-proto-batadv \
+lime-proto-anygw +lime-proto-wan +dnsmasq-lease-share \
+dnsmasq-distributed-hosts +lime-webui \
+lime-hwd-openwrt-wan +lime-docs-minimal \
+bmx6-auto-gw-mode +lime-hwd-ground-routing +smonit
So .... i've answered my first question?
And now ..... all the other questions.
What would be the default packages for current or next release?
BATMAN-ADV creates level 2 links between each node? how it works, one device and one interface for each original interface? so all nodes would be visible te each other one or another way? ethernet and wireless? wan and lan?
change bmx6 to bmx7? hot it works? level 3 links between nodes?
How does nodes acts as gateways. For example, if i have five nodes and many of them have conectivity "on wan" port, if one of them losts connection but cable is not disconnected, ip "on wan" is not released and that node stop working because he thinks it has connectivity on wan. How does this works?
smonit no longer exists. What was it function and what package replaces him if necessary?
I've multiple routers to test, gl-mt300n, gl-ar300m, etc. but i want to deploy gl-b1300. I've many to test.
I apologize so many questions, but I want to clear my mind and I think that if this were documented I could help other people who have little experience as is my case.
Many thanks.