hello meshlings

this is more of a networking question than libremesh, but maybe someone can help.

i want to access a router through ssh. this would be no problem if it were connected directly to the internet on a wan port - dropbear is listening for right ports.

the problem is that the router is behind another router - so instead of a public ip address, it has a subnet address, like this:

isp router (which i don't have access to)
lime router (wan port gets a subnet ip like

if I have the public ip address of the isp router, and the local address that the lime router got assigned, is there any way I can make some ssh tunneling to reach the lime router? any ideas?



bruno@pobox.com ▀─█▄██▄▀▄
http://brunovianna.net ─█▄██▄▀█▀█▄
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