On 11/11/2017 02:23 PM, Jason Wong wrote:
> I'm just testing using the latest "default" firmware. Does anybody has a
> step by step guide to enabling the authentication for the Mesh nodes
> ? there is no option for security for 802.11s in default and I couldn't
> find a step by step guide for that ?
> Anybody could create a default (LEDE) with authentication / security for
> 802.11S enable ? - Archer C7 v2
Hi Jason and welcome!
There's a long discussion on this here:
Basically you need a LibreMesh image with wpad-mesh instead of default
wpad-mini, this can be obtained selecting the network profile
"libremesh/encrypt-11s" on Chef:
You can see here what this profile does:
https://github.com/libremesh/network-profiles/tree/master/ libremesh/encrypt-11s
the profile also sets a password by default, but I think that if you set
one in /etc/config/lime following the example in lime-example
lime-example can be found in /docs/lime-example or here:
https://github.com/libremesh/lime-packages/blob/develop/ packages/lime-docs/files/lime- example#L73
Then there's a bug in LEDE/wpa-supplicant that causes the impossibility
to use AP and encrypted 802.11s on the same interface, a solution is the
script selecting just one of the two functions for one interface and the
other function on the other interface (but I think it's possible to do
the same in a more clean way with interface specific options, explained
in lime-example in the section "WiFi interface specific options"):
https://github.com/libremesh/lime-packages/issues/208# issuecomment-322003540
More information on this bug here:
https://bugs.lede-project.org/index.php?do=details&task_id= 550
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