De: rea-lista(a) [] Em nome de Gustavo Paiva
Enviada em: terça-feira, 28 de junho de 2016 18:29
Para: rea-lista(a)
Assunto: [REA] Fwd: UNESCO busca utilizações inovadoras de TICs na Educação de grupos vulneráveis
UNESCO busca utilizações inovadoras de Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação na Educação de grupos vulneráveis
Assunto: Prêmio UNESCO-Rei Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa para Uso de Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação na Educação
Local: Site da UNESCO
Data: até 30/09/2016
UNESCO busca utilizações inovadoras de Tecnologias de Informação Comunicação na Educação de grupos vulneráveis
A UNESCO convoca candidaturas para a edição de 2016 do Prêmio UNESCO-Rei Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa para Uso de Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação na Educação. Desde 2005, o Prêmio reconhece inovações na pedagogia que utilizam a tecnologia para melhorar resultados educacionais.
O Prêmio visa a contribuir para com a equidade na educação, um pilar fundamental do <…> Objetivo de Desenvolvimento Sustentável de número 4. Essa nova agenda, lançada em setembro de 2015, reconhece como o uso de Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TICs) para auxiliar grupos historicamente vulneráveis representa um passo essencial no esforço internacional para garantir educação inclusiva e equitativa para todos até 2030.
O tema para edição de 2016 é a utilização de TICs na educação de grupos vulneráveis.
A edição de 2016 premiará as organizações e os indivíduos que aplicam práticas inovadoras para aproveitar ao máximo as TICs na expansão do acesso à educação <…> e para desenvolver inovações no ensino e aprendizado de grupos historicamente menos favorecidos. Esses grupos incluem refugiados, migrantes, estudantes socioeconomicamente vulneráveis, portadores de necessidades especiais, minorias culturais, étnicas e religiosas e mulheres e meninas em situação vulnerável. O projeto vencedor também deverá promover os valores e atitudes destacados na agenda de Educação 2030 e, de maneira mais ampla, a agenda de Desenvolvimento Sustentável.
Os dois vencedores serão selecionados pela diretora-geral da UNESCO com base nas recomendações feitas por um júri internacional de cinco especialistas independentes e aclamados na área de TICs na Educação. Cada jurado virá de uma região do mundo. O prêmio será entregue em uma cerimônia que acontecerá no começo de 2017 na sede da UNESCO (Paris, França). Os vencedores do Prêmio de 2016 receberão 25 mil dólares cada e um certificado de reconhecimento assinado pela diretora-geral e o presidente do Júri Internacional de especialistas independentes.
As Comissões Nacionais dos Estados membros da UNESCO e Organizações não-governamentais (ONGs) que têm laços oficiais com a UNESCO são convidadas a solicitar, indicar e submeter candidaturas para o Prêmio. Não serão aceitas inscrições independentes sem a carta de apoio de uma Comissão Nacional ou de uma ONG que tenha parceria oficial com a UNESCO.
O formulário para a inscrição online e as notícias mais recentes sobre o prêmio estão disponíveis na página <> O prazo de inscrição é 30/09/2016.
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Dear friends and Nico,
the Babel routing mechanism, a strong distance-verctor algorithm, is a
very important work for our community networks.
And i think, Nico, you should speak with your friends in the LibreRouter
project about. And maybe, some of you and some of the list have time and
interest to work in the IETF-Babel group.
many greetings, willi
Manaus, Brasil
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [Battlemesh] Babel at IETF, meeting in Berlin, tentative date
21 July
Datum: Sun, 19 Jun 2016 13:24:34 +0200
Von: Juliusz Chroboczek <jch(a)>
An: Battle of the Mesh Mailing List <battlemesh(a)>
Dear all,
You'll doubtless be glad to know that an IETF Babel working group has
been created. Please see
The first meeting of the WG will be in Berlin during IETF 96 (17-22
July); the tentative date is Thursday 21 July. IETF is something worth
seeing at least once if you're into networking, and remote participation
(with audio and video) is possible.
By the way -- if anyone in Berlin wants to invite me to give a talk
about Babel or about HNCP during the week of 17-22 July, I'll be
extremely honoured. If so, please get in touch with me by private mail.
Regards to all,
-- Juliusz Chroboczek
Battlemesh mailing list
Hi all,
(sorry for the cross posting)
Just wanted to let those who didn't receive this news from other sources
that we LibreRouter got selected in the 2016 FRIDA round:
Now let's hope Ritu's and Carlos' projects get selected too!
We'll start working on this right away.
If anywone wants to get directly involved in the router project, just
let us know.
[sorry for possible duplicates]
Note: given the recent transition in the Brazilian federal government
and the political uncertainties involved, a group of civil society and
academic organizations has produced this public declaration in defense
of the multistakeholder nature of and its attributions.
The Internet Steering Committe of Brazil,, a multistakeholder
commission, has a crucial mission in the development of the Internet in
Brazil. In particular, supervises the actions of - a
non-profit private civil society organizationm in charge of carrying out
the management of all activities derived from policies defined by the
Committee. Decree Number 4829, of September, 2003, describes
attributions of, which include:
- proposing policies and procedures regarding the regulation of Internet
- recommending standards for technical and operational procedures for
the Internet in Brazil;
- establishing strategic directives related to the use and development
of the Internet in Brazil;
- promoting studies and technical standards for network and service
security in the country;
- coordinating the allocation of Internet addresses (IPs) in Brazil and
registration in the ".br" domain;
- collecting, organizing and disseminating information on Internet
services, including indicators and statistics;
- be represented in national and international technical forums related
to the Internet;
- to adopt administrative and operational procedures so that Internet
governance in Brazil follows internationally accepted standards,
enabling it to celebrate agreements and partnerships.
These activities, fully funded by private income derived from
distribution of domain names and IP numbers, are essential for the
operation and development of the Internet in Brazil. These attributions
are being carried out in a multistakeholder approach, with participation
of civil society, academia, technical community, private sector and
This pluralist feature has been the basis for the charter of principles
which is at the origin of the Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the
Internet ("Marco Civil da Internet"). The success of this pluralist
practice has turned into a worldwide reference on Internet
governance, considering that since its creation in 1995, and even in the
preparation of the Decree of 2003, any change in its structure and
operation has been preceded by broad consultations with society,
including significant participation of civil society and academic
In order to protect the stability, security and quality of the work
which has been and continues to be carried out and developed by the
Committee, the undersigned organizations affirm the centrality of
to develop activities absolutely vital for the Internet of today and
tomorrow in the country, stressing the importance of preserving the
above attributions, as well as the pluralist, multissectorial nature of
Artigo 19
Barão de Itararé
Coding Rights
Coletivo Digital
Instituto Bem Estar Brasil
Safernet Brasil
Carlos A. Afonso
[emails são pessoais exceto quando explicitamente indicado em contrário]
[emails are personal unless explicitly indicated otherwise]
Instituto Nupef - -
GPG 0x9EE8F8E3
Hi compas, just received this via APC.
fraternal regards
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [apc.members] Solidarity with Rhizomatica: Civil Society of
Oaxaca emits humanitarian alert due to armed attack of the State against
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2016 11:33:31 +0200
From: Karel Novotný
Dear all,
I want to express our solidarity with APC member in Mexico Rhizomatica,
and all other friends and partners in Mexican region of Oaxaca.
Oaxaca is experiencing extreme repression and violence by the government
against civilians. Peter and Erick, let us know if APC can help in this
situation in any way!
Below is an alert by Mexican civil society. Further down an appeal
issued yesterday by MayFirst. Please share as widely as possible. Thanks.
*Civil Society of Oaxaca emits humanitarian alert due to armed attack of
the State against civilians*
Today, June 19^th , we have been witnesses of the extremely violent
actions of the Mexican State repressing the teachers and the organized
civil society in resistance in different areas of the State of Oaxaca
including the Istmus of Tehuantepec, Nochixtlán and the city of Oaxaca.
As a result of the excessive use of force, at least six persons have
lost their lives and dozens have been injured and arrested. At this
moment there is no information about the whereabouts of the arrested
persons neither there is an exact total number of injured and killed
persons. Medical attention was not guaranteed and civil society had to
create points of emergency medical attention to injured persons without
being able to cope with the demand.
There are happening particularly violent actions in the city of Oaxaca
tonight. We have witnessed the arrival of a large number of airplanes of
the Federal Police and the Gendarmerie in the city throughout the day as
well as we witness that the tension is increasing every minute.
Full alert:…
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: May First Denounces Repressive Attacks in Mexico
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2016 16:42:34 -0400
From: May First / People Link <info(a)>
Reply-To: return+r.1260.206015.593fe383fa44df65(a)
May First People Link denounces the assasination by Mexican Federal
Police of 8 people and striking teachers of Oaxaca and the arrests of
more than 40 people this morning at a protest in front of the
Representation of the State of Oaxaca in Mexico City.
Over a dozen members of free media collectives who were covering the
protest were also detained. These arrests are an attempt to silence the
freedom of expression of political dissidents and the free and alternate
media collectives whose factual reporting of the ongoing government
repression in Oaxaca is a threat to the official government narratives
channeled by mass media of the events that are unfolding in Mexico.
For more news and background about the events in Oaxaca see:
May First/People Link is a progressive membership organization working
with information technology and around technology issues with members in
the United States and Mexico.
For more information: info(a) <>
Sent by: May First/People Link
237 Flatbush Ave, #278
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Carlos A. Afonso
[emails são pessoais exceto quando explicitamente indicado em contrário]
[emails are personal unless explicitly indicated otherwise]
Instituto Nupef - -
GPG 0x9EE8F8E3
Hi all,
I was wondering if it would be an interesting initiative for the DC3 to
try to collect information on existing CN projects so we can better
understand the differences and similarities, strengths and challenges, etc.
Ideally, I'd think of this as a sort of census that can also be relevant
when discussing policy.
I've added a pad which I propose we can reuse for drafting Wiki pages
before creating them directly on the Wiki, for easier simultaneous
I've added some pointers to what I think could be interesting
information for this "census".
If you believe this would be interesting, let's complete that template.
Are there any local databases or census of community networks that you
know of in your areas?
Buenos días,
Queremos compartir con Uds un artículo con entrevistas que realizamos
durante la reunión de Redes Comunitarias Inalámbricas en Bogotá.
We want to share with you an article with interviews we did during the
Community Networks held recently in Bogotá.
Un saludo,
Expertos hablan sobre la creación de Redes inalámbricas
comunitarias en Colombia
Gráfica alusiva a Expertos hablan sobre la creación de Redes
inalámbricas comunitarias en Colombia
/Junio 07 de 2016/.
/El pasado 26 de abril, expertos de diferentes organizaciones en el
mundo participaron en la Mesa Redonda sobre Redes Comunitarias
Inalámbricas organizada por //Internet Society
<>//- ISOC, en alianza con la
//Asociación para el Progreso de las Comunicaciones
<>//- APC y Colnodo. La jornada abordó el potencial
y los posibles apoyos para la creación y sostenibilidad de redes
gestionadas por comunidades que les permitan ejercer su derecho de
utilizar el espectro con diferentes tecnologías y acceder a internet. El
evento fue una oportunidad para el intercambio de experiencias y
conocimientos sobre regulaciones, alianzas, herramientas y la
presentación de casos de estudio. /
/Comunicaciones Digitales de Colnodo entrevistó a varias de las personas
participantes al evento y las siguientes fueron sus reflexiones y
recomendaciones para los procesos de redes inalámbricas comunitarias en
Colombia. /
Pueden consultar la nota completa en:
Colnodo - Uso estratégico de Internet para el desarrollo
*Julián Casasbuenas G.*
Tels: 57-1-2324246, 57-315-2585596 Cel. 57-315-3339099
Diagonal 40A (Antigua Av. 39) No. 14-75, Bogotá, Colombia
Twitter @jcasasbuenas <> @colnodo
<> <> - Uso Estratégico de
Internet para el Desarrollo
Miembro de la Asociación para el Progreso de las Comunicaciones -APC- <>
Hi people, is there an interest from our "tribe" regarding this possibility?
fraternal regards
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Reminder: IGF Open Forum call until 20 june - for gov`t
organizations and others
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2016 15:43:53 -0300
From: Renata Aquino Ribeiro
IGF 2016 Open Forum Requests
The IGF Secretariat is accepting requests to hold Open Forums during
the 11th Annual IGF Meeting, set to take place in Guadalajara, Mexico,
on 6-9 December 2016. Deadline for submissions is 20 June, midnight
All Governments and relevant organizations dealing with Internet
governance-related issues are invited to submit a request for an Open
Forum slot, bearing in mind a background paper is strongly encouraged
for inclusion in the request. Open Forum sessions should focus on the
organization’s activities during the past year and allow sufficient
time for questions and discussions.
Governments and treaty-based international organizations will be given
slots on a priority basis.
Please make your request through the online form HERE.
Hi All –
Please see this event from
From Leandro Navarro and team:
Dear all, we are organising a "Workshop on community networking infrastructures"
Tomorrow Friday 17, 9:30-17:00 CEST (UTC+2)
Public administrations, citizenship and enterprises are the three key players for the construction and management of any commons
infrastructure. This workshop will discuss how they can strengthen ties among these three actors to optimize a specific case of these
infrastructures, community networks. We will analyse tools ranging from governance strategies to implementation at deployment and operation level, paying special attention to the optical fibre, a key technology for achieving the coverage and penetration targets of the European Digital Agenda. Based on the experience and the work done so far, the conference has two main objectives: expand knowledge about this type of collaboration and identify specific lines of action to make them more efficient in the future. With the ambition to achieve an overall analysis, these challenges are faced successively from the point of view of governance, regulation, and its implementation, dedicating to each block a total of one and half hour. To stimulate discussion and alleviate as many doubts as possible, each block consists of a panel of an hour and a half an hour open round of comments, followed by a pause. A round table will be a short presentation by each speaker and then a debate between the speakers.
Program, details:…
Live streaming:
Organisation:,,, project
Support: BarcelonaActiva, Barcelona City Council.
You're welcome to join here or remotely !!
Leandro Navarro<>
From: <dc3-bounces(a)> on behalf of janecoffin <coffin(a)>
Reply-To: Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity <dc3(a)>
Date: Thursday, June 16, 2016 at 6:03 PM
To: Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity <dc3(a)>
Subject: Re: [DC3] RES: Reminder: IGF Open Forum call until 20 june - for gov`t organizations and others
Happy to help you Ritu.
From: <dc3-bounces(a)> on behalf of Ritu Srivastava <ritu.sri(a)>
Reply-To: Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity <dc3(a)>
Date: Thursday, June 16, 2016 at 3:27 PM
To: Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity <dc3(a)>
Subject: Re: [DC3] RES: Reminder: IGF Open Forum call until 20 june - for gov`t organizations and others
If members are interested, I can draft the proposal... and proceed...
let me know I will do
On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 3:25 PM, Luca Belli <luca.belli(a)<>> wrote:
Hi C.A.
Sorry for the late reply.
An Open Forum is a good idea but in this moment I do not have time to coordinate the elaboration of a proposal (I am quite overloaded with work).
If you want to coordinate a proposal, please go ahead. I would be very happy to participate.
All the best
-----Mensagem original-----
De: dc3-bounces(a)<> [<>] Em nome de Carlos Afonso
Enviada em: domingo, 12 de junho de 2016 21:28
Para: Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity <DC3(a)<>>
Assunto: [DC3] Reminder: IGF Open Forum call until 20 june - for gov`t organizations and others
Hi people, is there an interest from our "tribe" regarding this possibility?
fraternal regards
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Reminder: IGF Open Forum call until 20 june - for gov`t organizations and others
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2016 15:43:53 -0300
From: Renata Aquino Ribeiro
IGF 2016 Open Forum Requests
The IGF Secretariat is accepting requests to hold Open Forums during the 11th Annual IGF Meeting, set to take place in Guadalajara, Mexico, on 6-9 December 2016. Deadline for submissions is 20 June, midnight UTC.
All Governments and relevant organizations dealing with Internet governance-related issues are invited to submit a request for an Open Forum slot, bearing in mind a background paper is strongly encouraged for inclusion in the request. Open Forum sessions should focus on the organization’s activities during the past year and allow sufficient time for questions and discussions.
Governments and treaty-based international organizations will be given slots on a priority basis.
Please make your request through the online form HERE.
DC3 mailing list
DC3 mailing list
With warm regards,
Ritu Srivastava
Senior Programme Manager
Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF)
44, III Floor, Kalu Sarai, New Delhi-110016, India
Contact Details:
O: 011-26532786 / 26532787
M: +91-9999369624
Email Id: ritu(a)<>
The “Internet Rights” is an initiative through which DEF is consistently making an effort to make Internet as a medium to reach the masses, to create even opportunities and linkages between haves and have-nots so that the grassroots knowledge reaches the economic prosperity and vice-versa through information communication technology and digital media.
Join DEF's Internet Rights page at;
Dear IGF Secretariat,
We realised that we forgot to reply to question 16 in our proposal number 238.
Would it be possible to add the following reply:
The proposal is based on SDG 9c "universal and affordable access in least developed countries"; SDG 10 Reduced inequalities; and SDG 11 Sustainable cities and communities
Many thanks for your help and best regards
[FGV Direito Rio]
Luca Belli, PhD
Senior Researcher
Head of Internet Governance @ FGV<> luca.belli(a)
+55 21 3799 5763