DC3 December 2018

  • 17 participants
  • 16 discussions

5 years, 6 months

RightsCon 2019
by Luca Belli
5 years, 10 months

Comcast and Overcharging
by Glenn McKnight
6 years, 1 month

FW: Larry Roberts - The ARPANET... is live!
by Jane Coffin
6 years, 1 month

Tech Crunch article about the Libre Router
by Judith Hellerstein
6 years, 1 month

Microsoft Airband Initiative Grant Fund
by Raoul Plommer
6 years, 1 month

poliTICs 28 online
by Carlos Afonso
6 years, 1 month

Season Greatings and CN Manual Downloaded more than 3200 times!!!
by Luca Belli
6 years, 1 month

Re: [DC3] AlterMundi receives operator license
by dc3@bob.ma
6 years, 1 month

IEEE Internet Initiative: Community Networking paper
by Glenn McKnight
6 years, 1 month
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