I just visited the http://commconnectivity.org/ and it doesn't resolve.
Will we continue the work on the https://comcon.nu and redirect this domain
that no one wanted to maintain?
If people want, I can share editor credentials on comcon.nu and we should
really keep updating it rather regularly AND share those posts in the
social media, if we actually want some wider traction with our
collaboration. I created all of this after our meeting in Mexico and I
think we should really start showing (and updating) our presence now. I
think this should really be a crowdsourced effort, since we're all
volunteers here.
Hi all,
As the deadline to submit a draft description for our IGF session is approaching<https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/igf-2019-call-for-dynamic-…> (12 April), I would like to start a conversation on what could be our 2019 outcome and, therefore, how could we better use our IGF session (and our recently approved RightsCon session!) to present and discuss such outcome.
Having already elaborated quite substantial research on CNs, I think we could try to build upon the elements we already have and I would like to propose we sketch a Model Policy for Community Networks.
Over the past 4 years, we have been very successful in demonstrating that CN developers are serious partners and CNs are feasible options, and we have demonstrated this with very sound research and engaging an incredibly wide range of actors (including the ITU). Besides the research demonstrating the feasibility and interest of CNs and instructions on how to build them, I think it may be time to provide also instructions for policymakers on how to facilitate CNs.
What do you think?
The main elements of what could be a Model Policy for Community Networks are already present in the works that we have developed collectively or separately (the Declaration on Community Connectivity; the netCommons the Open letter to EU policy makers, the Declaration of the First Latin American Summit of Community Network, etc) and, therefore, I think this effort would be mainly an effort of consolidation and discussion. And, of course, we could use the RightsCon session and IGF session to present preliminary versions and receive feedback from a wider spectrum of individuals/stakeholders, to better structure our work.
If list members think this idea may be worth pursuing, I could start consolidating the docs mentioned above (if anyone wants to help, be my guests :)) and then circulate the draft to start working on it collaboratively.
Looking forward to hearing comments
All the best
Luca Belli, PhD
Professor of Internet Governance and Regulation
[http://www.fgv.br/mailing/2018/direito_rio/assinatura/fgv_tel.jpg]+55 21 3799 5763 t @1lucabelli<https://twitter.com/1lucabelli>
[http://www.fgv.br/mailing/2018/direito_rio/assinatura/fgv_direito_rio_map.j… de Botafogo, 190 13º andar
Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - CEP: 22250-900
[http://www.fgv.br/mailing/2018/direito_rio/assinatura/fgv_ass_email.jpg] luca.belli(a)fgv.br<mailto:luca.belli@fgv.br>
[http://www.fgv.br/mailing/2018/direito_rio/assinatura/fgv_ass_url.jpg]inter… <https://internet-governance.fgv.br/>
Hi All
Interesting session at the IOT Meetup in NY
[image: image.png]
Learn more at mgc.co/join for more information . He mentioned NYC MESH
in his presentation
Glenn McKnight
NARALO Secretariat
IEEE Toronto SIGHT Chair
skype gmcknight
twitter gmcknight
289-830 6259
Hi everyone,
I'm being asked by Código Sur if we want to keep the website online
and/or migrate it to WordPress on the same infrastruture.
Please advise.
Hi everyone,
I want to share this article
<https://ssir.org/articles/entry/scaling_power_for_global_prosperity#> with
you all about ending energy poverty and what is needed to address
electrification. I particularly liked this paragraph (emphasis mine):
*"The mobile phone revolution is often cited as an example that can be
replicated for energy. But mobile communications technology actually
exemplifies the need for high-energy systems. Charging phone batteries
accounts for less than 1 percent of the energy required for a smartphone to
operate. The other 99 percent is needed by the wider economy to manufacture
the phone, and to run the cell towers and data centers that enable the
phone to function. The mobile phone is a high-energy technology
masquerading as a low-energy one."*
Dear all,
We share with you this call for an ITU course, regarding community
Karla Velasco Ramos
+52 1 55 36 66 69 24
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From: Comunicación Redes A.C. <comunicacion(a)redesac.org.mx>
Date: Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 5:24 PM
Subject: CONVOCATORIA ABIERTA: Programa de formación de promotores(as)
técnicos en comunidades indígenas
*Programa de formación de promotoras y promotores técnicos en comunidades
indígenas para la generación, desarrollo y mantenimiento de tecnologías de
redes de comunicación y radiodifusión.*
La Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones (UIT) invita a los colectivos
u organizaciones que trabajan proyectos de comunicación comunitaria y
telecomunicaciones en comunidades indígenas de América Latina a participar
en este nuevo programa de formación que consta de* 5 cursos en línea
*y un *Campamento
de formación y entrenamiento presencial *con duración de 10 días en Oaxaca,
Las temáticas que se trabajarán en línea son:
- Comunicación comunitaria y tecnologías
- Electricidad y electrónica básicas
- Radiofrecuencia y redes de computadoras
- Entorno regulatorio de las telecomunicaciones y la radiodifusión
- Sostenibilidad en proyectos de telecomunicaciones y radiodifusión
La etapa presencial se enfocará en *3 especialidades*:
- Radiodifusión
- Redes comunitarias
- Telefonía celular comunitaria
http://bit.ly/2HsZWa5 Se envía también de manera adjunta.
*Fecha límite de entrega de solicitudes de ingreso: 5 DE ABRIL DE 2019*
*Enviar solicitud de ingreso a: ITU-RO-Americas-trainings(a)itu.int
<ITU-RO-Americas-trainings(a)itu.int> *
*Redes por la Diversidad, Equidad y Sustentabilidad A.C.*
Tel: +52 (55) 36409467