El Sab, 20 de Julio de 2019, 2:09 am, dc3(a)bob.ma escribió:
I wrote
https://rmf.vc/Online53 as a way to express my
thoughts on what
the Internet is and it can be.
Thank you for your article Bob. Your experience is very useful. I have
written some comments and questions below. I hope you or someone else
would give your opinions.
"The infrastructure exists for the exclusive use of the service provider
that owns it."
"Today I am working with peer devices with my home network as a test lab
for peer connectivity rather than an Internet you access from afar."
Would you please send some links about this.
"We tend to focus on creating solutions and providing services. I think in
terms of creating opportunity and discovery."
I agree that the network should not be a monopoly for the provider's
services and that it must be transperent to the service.Nevertheless,
there are players such as FaceWhatsUp and MicroSoogle that save costs on
the infrastructure and monopolize it while handling us the costs. How can
we reapropriate the resources they have hoarded?
I wish you freedom.