On Mon, 2017-01-02 at 17:18 -0300, Nicolás Echániz wrote:
Excelent work Maureen & NicoPace!
There's also the project for the permanent test-bed for continuous
integration / testing, right? Maybe you can tell us a little bit more
about that too :) There is previous work in this area among the
of this group.
Like NicoE said, there are a bunch of other stuff that we are cooking,
but they are not as solid as these ones.
Just to share some of them:
* evolution paths for CN: from wireless to fiber for example
* agreements with distributors to do customs if LibreRouters with
minimal costs in Mexico
* a Community Network Summit in Guadalajara and (maybe) Puerto
* Academic credits for UdG students when they do community work
related with Community Networks
* An experimental RF testing lab for CN: something like
http://nitlab.inf.uth.gr but for CN
Another thing that happened was the meeting 0 of the Community Networks
of Jalisco Community :)