Thank you Carlos for this invitation.
I do not want to sound as a nay-sayer. But, aren't the called parties
already connected? Inviting Microsoft, Mozilla, etc. is like
perpetuating the dominion of the great corporations on the people.
White man saves savages is a proved bad strategy.
On the other hand, I also see "The Secretariat" repetitively mentioned.
That sounds so bureaucratic that it does not seem that it would connect
Juanita García and her neighbors in a meaningful way.
I do think that if you really want to do what is portrayed, the
structure should be "from the ground, up" (or something like that) as
you mention in your invitation. It should invite those that are already
connected to _listen_ to the proposals and implement them; not to create
them. Avoiding these macro institutions would be a first step. Making
a meeting in Switzerland would definitely exclude Janita García. Any
other policy would perpetuate exclusion.
I hope this suggestion does not come in too late and I have presented it
in wholehearted good will.