Am 25/06/2016 um 09:25 schrieb Henrique Mohr:
Congratz Nico and Team. That's a big step to
community empowering and
I would like to contribute to this amazing project!
Abraços, Henrique.
Dear Henrique,
it can be "a big step to community empowering and self-sustantability".
On BattleMesh Nico answered:
"The project as it was sent to FRIDA is here:
The full specs are not available yet as the project has just now
started. Defining them is part of the work ahead."
And what i know from this project, it is oriented to use the WLAN AP
hardware from external companies, what you find in the supermarkets and
the batman link state routing mechanism or similar.
I have never read about to create our own technical infrastructure to
build the technical systems for our telecommunication. And i have never
read about decentralization of IP number and name (with DNS system) in
Argentina (altermundi or BAL). And not in Italy (ninux) or Spain (guifi
net) or Germany/Austria/Swizerland (freifunk, funkfeuer, Nethood).
But maybe, Nico and his friends in Cordoba are open for such discussion?
many greetings, willi
Manaus, Brasil