Hi all,
I just wanted to share a very happy note that allows us to conclude the year with
satisfaction and optimism.
Yesterday, my colleagues that manage the FGV digital library wrote me to let me know the
Community Network Manual (
http://bitly.com/CNmanual ) has been downloaded 3104 times, and
counting, since its presentation at the IGF in mid-November (actually, the document stats
show it was downloaded 2689 times only in the last two weeks of November and an extra 170
times only yesterday
It is really great to see how fruitful our work has been and that the excellent work that
each of you is doing is becoming more and more visible, interesting and relevant for those
who are looking for new options to expand connectivity.
With this very positive note, I wish all of you an excellent end of 2018, telling you that
it has been truly excellent to meeting, exchanging ideas and learning from you over this
year, and being sure that 2019 will be an even more productive and successful year for our
All the best
Luca Belli, PhD
Professor of Internet Governance and Regulation
http://www.fgv.br/mailing/2018/direito_rio/assinatura/fgv_tel.jpg]+55 21 3799 5763 t
http://www.fgv.br/mailing/2018/direito_rio/assinatura/fgv_direito_rio_map.j… de
Botafogo, 190 13º andar
Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - CEP: 22250-900